9. join us!

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*one week later*

it's been a whole week and it's time to say goodbye to go back to splatsville, you packed you had your bags and shiver's walking out you're parents house

shiver was holding a baby shark in a bag of water, you brought it for her since she wanted a pet. the pet didn't cost a lot of money and the shark will remain small but age like sharks do

shiver was so happy and grateful you got this pet for her, something she didn't suspect to happen actually did and she owns it all to you

she had fun meeting you're parents, and it seems like you're parents really liked having her here so maybe you and her could visit again.

bye you two, come back again! you're mother yelled waving her hand, you both smiled at her watching you're father put an arm around her waving at shiver and you

you both smiled at the couple and waved walking back to the bus, you both waited for the bus talking with each other

I had fun meeting you're family, I thank you for taking me splatberry shiver said with a big smile on her face

aw no problem shiver! you said smiling back at her with a smile blush on you're face, after a few minutes the bus came and you both got on paying to go back to splatsville.

hours has passed and you both made it to splatsville. it was around nightime and shiver was asleep sleeping on you're shoulder

she was tried after the ling trip, and decided to sleep. but when the bus driver hit a dump she woke up looking around to see where she was

she then realized she was in splatsville getting up from the ground with her pet shark, she was still tried you could tell by the way she was looking at you

she then took her splatcast truning around and living, you let her go with a smile on you're face handing home for the night.

*In the morning*

you woke up to the sound of you're clock, you hit it with your fist a few times hearing it fall to the ground. you then heard a knock at your door

you got out of bed in annoyance walking over to you're door and opened it to see shiver

she was wearing her usually outfit but she had something behind her back but what was it?

"hey shiv-"

hey splatberry so today we though why don't you join deep cut! me, Frye abs big man picked out an outfit and everything you'll be orange!

we're always looking for new numbers and you'll be perfect, today you'll practice singing and then we'll try to record some new songs!

shiver said in excitement, you were shocked and also happy but what shiver said you never thought of being an idle before

you smiled taking the outside from shiver's hands "I'll fix myself up and try it on you'll wait here!" you said running to the bathroom that's great news, see you! shiver replied waiting with her arms crossed

minutes has passed and you had on the outfit walking outside locking you're door. you then tuned around to face shiver who had a smile on her face

oh my you look so good, let's go meet Frye and big man they'll be so happy! shiver said grabbing you're hand, you followed her with a smile on her face

you couldn't believe you were in deep cut, this was a dream come true!

Feelings For You (Shiver x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now