22. concert

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*a few days later*

after the events of the fight and the skating rink shiver and pearl will do a live concert tonight.

shiver was wearing a different outfit then usual since she was singing with pearl, shiver's hair was also in a different style, as for pearl she was wearing a hoodie crop top with shorts and black boots on with her crown on her head.

frye was in the front of the stage with roxanne, she was also wearing a different outfit laying her head on Roxanne's shoulder

roxanne had her arm around Frye she was wearing a suit, big man couldn't fit in any outfit so he weared a black bow for tonight.

as for you, you had a outfit on you brought yesterday to celebrate shiver and pearl's concert.

the music started to play and out came shiver and pearl, everyone in the crowd cheered and clapped seeing the octoling and inkling on stage

shiver then started to Sing

baby blue baby, why must you hurt me so bad must this be because I hurt you so bad? (oh oh oh la la oh la la la) shiver singed and danced to her part

heck yeah baby blue, it's only me and you talk your stuff because none of this will be enough.

blue baby blue me and you make a move stop talking boo! I said boo go boo me and you (hey hey hey!) pearl rapped

baby blue baby why must you hurt me so bad must this be because I hurt you so bad? (oh la la) to be honest I'm not sorry, because you deserved it baby blue on me. you can't take back what you said because it's time to go to bed shiver singed

la la la la la la la, la la la ohh - ohh
la la la la la la la, la la la ohh - ohh
la la la la la la la, la la la ohh - ohh
la la la la la la la, la la la ohh - ohh

oh ohhh ohhhhhh! shiver and pearl singed together

baby blue you think you own us to bad it's time for bed! pearl singed the last part of the song doing her pose

shiver did her pose as the crowd went wild asking for more songs out of the two girls.

the two idles then talked to each other for a bit as a new beat started to play

la la la let's go! shiver and pearl singed together the two idles were singing now or never a vary popular song

Don't go there, you can do this, don't lose hope now yoy can win this! shiver singed

right, left you get, you win! don't give up ink them down baby, don't worry others will help they're on you're team! pearl singed jumping around

while shiver and pearl were singing and dancing on stage, lola was up above with the stage useing her legs to drop a giant rock on shiver planning to kill her

it took all her body strength to Kick the rock but she did watching it fall with a smile on her face

shiver look out! pearl yelled trying to push shiver out the way but it was to late the rock fall on top of shiver breaking part of the stage. the crowd went silent watching what happened

you saw lola up above making her way off the stage, without a word you knew she tried to kill shiver you snapped running after lola

lola!? you cried running behind the stage to see her trying to make her way home but one of Frye's eels stopped her making the inkling fall to the ground

frye ran after lola for trying to kill her friend, buy it was to late lola was gone she then turned back around screaming

why, why I she doing this! frye yelled in anger

you wanted to scream at lola but you went to go see if shiver was ok, you ran on stage trying to get the rock off of her you tried everything you could panicking and crying even though inkling and octoling's don't have bones you're heart was racing to see if shiver was alright or not you then felt a hand at you're leg.

you looked down seeing shiver's arm and hand, she then trubed herself into a blue octopuse coming out from under the rock

she turned back into human self placing her hands on you're face

I'm ok, you don't need to be scared, I heard you screaming Lola's name I just can't believe she tried to kill me shiver said looking at you

she'll get what she deserves you said making shiver smile, you two then sheared a kiss and a hug walking home together. while this was going on Sofia stopped lola in her tracks jumping out when the time was right

what has gotten into you, you are a monster trying to kill another idle thank goodness none of us had bones are else she'll be crushed. you have lost your mind

and I won't stand for it anymore, you won't leave deep cut alone and you want to ruin a couple because you'll never have what those two have because you're nothing but a COLD HEARTLESS INKLING! Sofia yelled with tears running down her face she then walked away from lola who was standing there speeches not everyone knows her for what she really is

a cold heartless monster

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