29. inkspital

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The blue octoling heard her name, but she couldn't see who was doing it, was she died, alive or in a coma the short hair octoling didn't know but she felt someone grabbing her.

the grabbing made her body Shake up and down and her head spin, but who was doing it she didn't know

the octoling was in her own world, away from all the problems and the hurt.

what do we do! she isn't waking up marina!? you said in a panic trying you're hardest to wake shiver up, but she didn't get up, it was like she couldn't get up

she isn't dead, I checked she's just well i don't know! maybe unconscious, I'm her own mind I never seen a inkling or octoling act this way before!? marina said calling up the inkspital! marina said dialing the number on her phone

9 ink 1 what's your emergency? the black hair inkling said on the other end

yes! hello please come quick, shiver she's not moving nor talking. she's laying on my floor and she looks lifeless s-she also hit her head on stage and please come quick I don't know what's wrong with her!? marina yelled on the phone

shiver oh yeah I know her, she's a member of deep cut can you try to give her something to eat or drink? the woman said

no! marina replied

can you make her stand on her own feet? the woman said

no no! I can't do anything just please I beg you come! marina called out crying

stay with me marina, stay strong for me alright the inkulance is coming where are you at now? the woman said, marina quickly told the address of where she was living at even the neighborhood as well

marina stayed on the phone with the inkling until she heard a few knocks at her door, you ran over to the door and opened it seeing two octoling's in uniforms one was a female, the other one male.

where is she? the female octoling said

over there..marina said drying her tears, the two octolings I uniforms looked at shiver and saw that she was unconscious. not moving, not talking nor blinking her eyes werre shut and her mouth was closed

her head was bleeding, and her body was cold and sweaty.

the green hair octoling ran over to shiver making she she was alive, luckily she was but needed to go to the inkspital immediately before it's to late.

she was put on a stretcher, and tied down onto the bed so she wouldn't fall off, the female and male octoling took shiver out of marina's house into the inkulance truck and driving away.

you and marina looked at each other in silence hoping that shiver will be ok, you were definitely terrified of what happened to shiver.

you never seen her in this state and it scared you to death, whatever she was thinking about got to her and her body couldn't take it you just prayed she was okay she'll be back on her feet once more

you walked handing out the door to go home, but marina stopped you why don't you stay here, it's to late to go outside

you can sleep in the living room, and tomorrow I'll drop you off home marina said

you truned back around sitting on the couch where shiver once was, you took off you're shoes and laid on your back as marina put a new blanket over you along with a new pillow

you get some rest alright, I'll be getting some too upstairs you have a good sleep.. marina said truning off the lights in the living room walking upstairs

you closed you're eyes getting trying to get some rest, but you couldn't so to help you sleep you pulled out you're phone seeing some photos of you and shiver

you smiled seeing how happy she looked with you.

"I'll see you soon shiver."

*The next day*

you made it back to shiver's place, you smiled back Marina walking inside.

when you got inside you saw Master mega, he lucked you're cheek in happiness to see you. you giggled happy to see Master mega but you needed to get clean and dressed in some new clothes to see shiver today
you pet Master mega a few times locking the door behind you

you then walked upstairs to get ready, you took a shower, brushed your teeth and put on a new outfit. you fixed you're hair into a style you wanted walking downstairs to see shiver

let's ride Master mega! you said getting on Master mega, Master mega went off following you're orders every step of the way.

"we're coming shiver, don't you worry! "

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