15. living together

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ever since Mr. Grizz was defeated everything changed for the better, or at least is trying to

Deep cut remains to be idles but still works for callie and marie time to time, off the hook continues to sing and have collabs here and there as for you, you and shiver lives together

over the past week you moved in with shiver and her place, after a while of living in you're apartment you had enough of living there. due to the inkling family next noise door and octoling's having parties every friday Night so you definitely agreed and packed up you're thinks to leave with shiver

and ever since you went to move with shiver, you two begin to get closer and spending some time together within the same home more tgen you used to living apart.

like sing songs, go on dates and do other fun things together as a lovely couple.

you were laying on you're bed reading one of you're favorite books when you out an notification on your sea - cucumber phone

you put the book down grabbing you're phone and seeing what the notification was

it was Anarchy splatcast you clicked it seeing shiver, Frye and big man

"hey baby ink!"

hello everyone, listen up because it's going down you lip sync we drip Inc! what's on today's topic big man oh! I almost forgot hello boss Marie and callie shiver said waving to her bosses

Frye smiled waving with both hands and big man waved his fin, after the events of what happened not to long ago Deep cut know works for marie and callie while still being idles on the side

as for once being Bandits Deep cut has stopped with their lives of robbery and crime and started out being good and redeeming themselves, for the safe Deep cut once wanted they all left it alone and decided it was for the best it probably belonged to somebody else.

We love you guys, hope you're doing well! Frye said putting her fist in the air

ay ay (we're also really sorry about what happened and we hope you can forgive us boss ladies) big man also said feeling guilty

I hope they can forgive us..Frye said

yeah me too, but we'll make it up to marie and callie no matter what we're deep cut after all anyways today's topic is favorable dessert cake, cupcake or muffin?

I keep cake, great for designing eating and birthday planning! shiver said

I pick cupcake, small and can eat in one bite yum! nog to mention the sprinkles and peeling off the paper ink yeah! Frye replied to shiver's question putting both arms in the air

ay ay! (muffin is were it's at) big man also said looking at Frye and shiver

yeah, yeah whatever big man, but trust me cupcake is better Frye said crossing her arms

shiver faned herself with her sensu/ogi fan listening to what her team had to say

well we have our own picks for what we like, let's find out what you like! that's a wrap for now shiver said smiling tapping with her fan & standing up

ay ay (see you later, everyone have a wonderful day)

no matter what! Frye replied to big man's answer, Deep cut then did their poses

"catch ya later!" the three said as the screen cut off, whole this was happening marie and callie were watching on their sea - cucumber phones smiling at each other should we filorgive them? callie said

I believe they changed enough, I'll say it's worth an forgive if you ask me marie said with a small smile on her face

callie smiled hugging her cousin tightly yay! we should totally go on tour together, BFF TOUR! callie said in excitement

marie though about the idea and somewhat liked it, smiling and nodding her head up and down I like the sound of that callie marie said yay! callie replied Clapping her hands together

you tuned off you're phone, when Anarchy splatcast was over shiver then appeared infront of you with blue cloud like smoke around her

you forgot that Deep cut can sometimes do that time to time, shiver got onto the bed kissing you on the cheek

hey cutie, I'm home want to hang out while I thought we could hang out together shiver said smiling

you smiled back getting off the bed holding shiver's hand, and with that you two walked to go spend the rest of the day together

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