episode 1.2

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You regretted going with Jesse once it started to get dark. You had been pretty confident that you would know where Reuben was, but your memory wasn't the best.

And now you were lost.

"Reuben!" Jesse called out for what felt like the millionth time. "Just oink if you can hear me, buddy!"

"Reuben!" you yelled, trying to be helpful. Suddenly, something in the air caught your eye. It was smoke.

That must be his costume.

"Jesse, look." You pointed out the smoke trail to him.

His eyes widened. "Reuben! Oh no! You in there, buddy?" He ran over to the burnt costume with you hot on his heels. "Oh, jeez," he muttered. "Please don't be toasted, Reuben."

He pulled the wings away from the head. Thankfully, there wasn't a floating pork chop. Jesse let out a sigh of relief as he walked away. You stalled for a moment, staring at the costume and allowing a morbid thought to cross your mind. If Reuben had died, would the pork chop have despawned by now? You didn't mention it to Jesse.

You and Jesse split up for a minute. He searched through a group of pigs while you looked down a well.

"Reuben?" you asked. Your voice echoed. You got nothing in response.

You and Jesse met up again in front of some tall grass. There was something moving in it. Jesse crept forward and pushed some of the grass down.

"Reuben! There you are!" Jesse said, relieved.

Reuben was shaking, eyes wide. He looked terrified. He stepped away from the grass.

"Oh, I'm so happy to see you," Jesse continued.

You, meanwhile, were on edge. Your eyes flitted around the area. If your memory served you right, mobs would be appearing at any moment now. Unfortunately, you were right.

Reuben squealed loudly. You turned and two zombies were climbing out of a cave. You, Jesse, and Reuben backed away slowly.

"Reuben, run!" Jesse told the pig.

You all turned and ran. You ended up in a clearing.

Jesse knelt down to catch his breath, but you knew there wasn't time to do that. "I think . . . I think we're good," he panted.

"No, we're not!" You tugged at him to get up. A creeper was coming your way.

You started to run again until Jesse stopped.

"I think we made it."

Right after the words left his mouth, an arrow flew right past you and impaled itself into the wall next to your head. "Just keep running!"

As your luck would have it, you came to a dead end. You faced the zombies that were stumbling closer. Jesse unsheathed a wooden sword. You held up your fists seeing as they were the only weapons you had. You were prepared to go full Karate Kid on them.

Jesse swung at a zombie, hitting it. "Get back!" You weren't sure if he was talking to the mob or Reuben.

The zombie approached Jesse again. He finished it off with just a couple hits, but, unfortunately, his sword broke.

"Stupid wooden sword!"

You all backed closer to the stone and gravel wall behind you.

"I'm going to think of something," Jesse told Rueben. He glanced back and forth between his pig and the coming zombies. A spider jumped down from a tree to join the mob.

"Reuben, run," you said. You were pretty sure Reuben would avoid getting a black eye this way.

Jesse seemed to agree with your decision. "I'll meet you back in town, I promise. Get out of here, now!"

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