episode 5.4

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The Head of the Guard led you inside the palace. The doors swung open to reveal a large throne room. The walls were made of gold and iron, and a long purple and gray carpet led to a shiny throne that the Founder was sitting on. The Blaze Rods all stood before her.

"For your service to Sky City," the Founder was saying to them, "I grant you these gifts." She looked over at a line guard standing next to a lever. He bent down and pulled, a redstone trail lighting up as it was activated. A portion of the wall opened up and a string of mine carts rolled out.

"There, see!" Ivor whispered. "Those mine carts she summoned, they must lead to the Eversource."

"Really?" Lukas whispered back. "That's what you're focusing on? I'd say we have bigger problems on our hands. Like Aiden."

You all turned to look at said person, who was grinning victoriously.

"Look at him all friendly with the Founder," Lukas continued. "That's bad news."

"You don't say," you said dryly.

He huffed out a breath in annoyance. "All I'm saying is that we need to find out what he's up to."

Ivor rolled his eyes. "I've got the feeling I already know what Aiden is up to."

"Take your reward and enjoy the bounty of Sky City's generosity," the Founder said.

The Blaze Rods peered into the mine carts, and disappointment flickered across each of their faces as they saw what was inside.

"Carrots, really?" Maya said, unable to contain her anger and frustration. She held up the offending vegetable. "You've gotta be kidding — "

Aiden quickly pushed her behind him and apologetically smiled up at the Founder. "We are honored, wonderful Founder."

"Of course. Now, go. I have criminals to deal with."

Aiden smirked at the three of you as he walked past. You stuck out your leg and he tripped, successfully replacing his smug smile with an embarrassed flush in his cheeks.

He stalked away in his anger, and shouldered the Head guard that had escorted you here. "Out of my way, Reggie."

"It's Reginald," the guard grumbled. He walked up and stood beside the Founder. "Come on, criminals. It's time to see the Founder."

A guard roughly shoved you in front of the others.

"(Y/N) and accomplices," the Founder mused as she looked down at you. You were slightly surprised that she knew your name as Aiden had only said it once in her presence. "You have committed acts of wanton and illegal building, something specifically forbidden by our laws. Explain yourself."

"This could still turn out okay," Ivor assured you.

"Are you kidding?" Lukas asked. "She does not sound friendly."

"Fuck the police."



She glared down at you. "I will only repeat this once: explain yourself."

"Yeah, I did. Your little rule is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. I haven't met someone as controlling as you since my parents."

"Excuse me?"

"You dictate what others can build and create, but this whole goddamn city is made of precious metals. Do you know what that means? It's means they're rare. But you've got people starving in the streets of your city because they can't make the food they need to survive because someone wants to conserve resources."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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