episode 4.5

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"Grab some ingredients and craft a weapon," Ivor said as the wall in front of you was lowered down into the ground. Behind it was a dark room with armor sets lit up from below and random pits of lava. In the center of the room was a chest, a crafting table, and an anvil. "I'll show you how to enchant yours, Jesse."

"Sweet," he said.

You weren't really sure why you had been brought along, other than the fact that you were carrying the book, but you weren't going to complain.

You walked over to the chest and rummaged through it. "Oh shit," you muttered, pulling out some sticks, but more importantly, half a dozen diamonds. You ran your finger over one of the many edges cut into the diamond. You handed half of the stack as well as a couple sticks to Jesse.

"Ladies first," you said, gesturing to the crafting table. He rolled his eyes but knelt down in front of it. You watched him carefully place two diamonds down above a stick. The items merged together, forming a diamond sword.

"Awesome!" he exclaimed, swinging the newly crafted blade through the air. "I've never owned a diamond weapon."

"Just wait till you enchant it," Ivor told him.

You took Jesse's spot at the crafting table and made your own diamond sword. As you picked it up, you could feel your younger self jumping with excitement.

"Behold my enchanted diamond sword!" Jesse held his sword up into the air. The hilt was now glowing, and a purple light shimmered on the blade.

"Yes, that should do the job nicely," Ivor said. "If you're fighting those wither monsters head on, you'll want better armor too."

He walked over to the sets of armor lit up at the back of the room. "I enchanted these for the Order. They're about as strong as it comes. Even able to withstand TNT!" He turned to look at the two of you. "Any preferences?"

"You can pick first," Jesse told you.

You accepted his offer by stepping forward and examining the armor in front of you. They all seemed like pretty good options, but one had caught your eye. You walked over to it. "I like this one."

You looked back at Jesse to make sure you hadn't picked out the set that he had wanted, and to your relief, it appeared that you hadn't.

"Excellent choice," Ivor said. "Jesse?"

Jesse took a little bit longer to decide, but he eventually found a set of armor that he was happy with. "All right, this is the set."

"Yes, a fine choice," Ivor commended. "Now, go ahead and out it on." His voice bubbled with excitement.

You pulled the armor off of the stand and slipped it on. To your delight, it fit you perfectly. You wished you had a mirror that you could see your reflection in because, as you unsheathed your diamond sword, you were sure that you looked pretty badass.

"How do we look?" Jesse asked Ivor.

"Ready for action. You can take some for your friends as well."

You and Jesse looked at each other. "Sounds good to me."

The two of you picked out the sets of armor that you thought suited each of your friends the best, then divided them into your inventories.

You walked back to the others and dramatically pushed the doors open.

Olivia's eyes widened when she saw you. "Wow, cool armor."

"Thanks," you said.

"And there's plenty to go around," Jesse assured everyone. You handed the armor out, and once everyone was ready, Jesse began to lead you out of Ivor's lab. "Now let's get back to Soren's fortress and see how the wither storms are doing against those Endermen."

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