episode 2.4

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Night fell quickly as you wandered amongst the trees. The moon rose, and so did the stars, though most of them were hiding behind clouds. Your group walked until the sky turned from a pitch black to a lighter blue with fewer stars.

"(Y/N), right?"

You jumped a little. Ellegaard had practically snuck up on you. Though, your jumpiness most likely had something to do with your nerves. You were on alert, prepared to strike down any mob that came at you.

"Um, yeah," you confirmed, wondering why the hell she wanted to talk with you of all people. Why not Olivia, someone who would eagerly listen to her drone on about red stone?

"We haven't had the chance to acquaint ourselves properly."

"No, we haven't."

"From what I overheard from your conversation with Magnus, you beat him in a griefing match and took his crown? Sounds like you're a pretty impressive individual."

"Hell yeah I did." You looked over your shoulder and shot Magnus, who undoubtedly knew what you were talking about, a smirk.

"And sure of yourself," she noted. "I appreciate that. In any case, I sort of wish you had tried to convince Jesse to take my side earlier."


"You seem smart." You nearly laughed aloud at her statement, but stopped yourself. "I thought you would've said something about how traveling at night isn't exactly the best idea."

"No offense to you or anything, but that was a stupid idea."

You heard who you suspected was Magnus snort his laughter.

"Excuse me?" Clearly, Ellegaard wasn't used to being told that her ideas were dumb.

"Yeah. I mean, we just don't have that kind of time. If you'd seen the wither storm, you'd agree with me."

"So, you'd rather potentially die in the dark in the woods than wait a few hours until the morning?"

"I'd rather die trying to save the world than be too late to do anything, if that's what you mean."

She fell silent. But that silence only lasted for a moment before she said, "A slight tangent: what's the, uh, deal with your friend Olivia?"

You grimaced as she turned and shot a look back at her. You hoped that Ellegaard wasn't talking as loud as it felt like.

"I appreciate her enthusiasm, but she can be a little . . . much sometimes. She's always very eager to jump in and help, which is sweet, of course, but I wish she'd think a bit more before she jumped in."

"Think about it this way," you said. "She's one of your biggest fans. She's probably looked up to you her entire life. And now she finally has a chance to show her talent to you. In all honesty, you probably just make her a little nervous."

"That's an excellent point," she remarked. "It sounds like you respect her a lot. Why didn't you go with her to come and recruit me?"

"She and Jesse were already going to do it. I figured three was a crowd, that's all. Plus, it was probably about high time that Boomtown got a new ruler."

"That's fair, I suppose. I'll do my best to not let it hurt my feelings." She laughed, short and curt. "Joke. That was a joke."

You half-heartedly laughed to make her feel better about it.

Suddenly, the telltale groans and hisses of mobs came from behind you. Everyone turned, facing them.

"That was exactly what I was worried about," Ellegaard said. "And exactly why we should've waited till morning."

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