episode 2.1

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The moment Jesse and Olivia left, you turned to Axel.

"Wanna go to Boomtown?"

Of course, he had eagerly agreed. And now the two of you were zooming through the Nether towards your destination. Hands in the air, you both whooped and yelled with every drop and turn you took.

"I can't believe we're gonna meet Magnus," Axel said, causing you to turn around and look at him.

You grinned. "Hell yeah, dude."

The happy look on his face quickly dropped as his eyes focused on something behind you. "Uh, (Y/N)!" He pointed.

You turned and saw a ghast barreling right towards you. You groaned. "Not again."

You pulled out your stone sword, preparing yourself for a fireball attack. However, when the fireball came, it hit the track in front of you.

You went flying, landing awkwardly on the ground. You still had the wherewithal to roll out of the way as the ghast shot another fireball at you.

"Why does it hate us so much?" Axel questioned, urgency in his voice.

A loud gasp escaped from you. The mine carts were falling off the edge of a cliff, presumably into the lava below. "The mine carts!"

You stood, tightening your grip on your stone sword.

"Hurry!" Axel said, eyes darting between the ghast and the mine carts.

Behind you, the ghast cried, shooting another fireball. It exploded the chunk of netherrack you two had been hiding behind.

"You get the mine carts!" you told Axel as you quickly stood up. You ran towards the ghast, hoping to keep its attention on you.

You scrambled up another netherrack pile. "Hey!" you yelled at the ghast. It turned with all the quickness it could manage. It didn't take long before it fired another attack at you.

You bent your knees slightly, preparing to swing at the fireball that was hurtling toward you. You made contact, the impact nearly knocking you over, and the fireball was sent back to the ghast that flashed bright red when it was hit.

The ghast seemed to be even more enraged than it was before. It shot another fireball. You held your sword like a baseball bat and sent the fireball flying in the opposite direction.

"Home Run!" you said in the Wii Sports commentator's voice as the fireball hit the ghast. It trembled before it cried out and glowed red once more. Then, it fell to its side and disappeared in small puffs of smoke.

You walked over to Axel as you imagined some badass music playing in the background. You got back in the mine carts and started your journey back up again.

The rest of the trip was peaceful, not at all like what you'd be facing once you entered Boomtown.


The portal into Boomtown couldn't have just spat you out on the ground, of course. No, instead the portal was a ways off from the ground. At least the sand cushioned your fall.

You stood up and were immediately on guard. You and Axel ran over to the side of a building, standing flush against it. It was best not to stay out in the open here. You didn't like the thought of what would happen if you were spotted.

"Where should we look for Magnus first?" Axel asked in a hushed tone.

"You think I know?" you whispered back, taking a step forward. You regretted the movement, though, when you heard a click and an explosion nearby sent you flying.

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