episode 5.2

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"Finally starting to recognize stuff again," Axel said once the walls that surrounded Beacon Town came into view. "Feels good to almost be home."

"Cheers to that, friend."

"I just can't shake what Aiden was saying about us back there," Olivia said. "We do get a lot of treasure. And I guess sometimes we might throw our weight around."

"What? No!" Axel scoffed. "Aiden's got a bad case of treasure-envy. Pure and simple."

"C'mon, Aiden's just jealous," Jesse said, "isn't that obvious? He sees us with our fancy armor and cool treasure and he wishes he had it too."

"You shouldn't listen to Aiden," you told her as the doors that led into Beacon Town swung open for you. "He's just a conniving, manipulative rat who'll say anything to get his way."

"I guess so." She didn't sound like she felt any better about the topic.

"Well, no matter what Aiden thinks, there's one thing I know." Petra took of her helmet.

"What's that?" Jesse asked.

"They think we're awesome." Petra nodded to two townspeople outside of one of the neighborhoods.

"They're back!" one of them shouted excitedly. "You guys, they're back!"

"Run!" the other one said. "Tell the others that our heroes have returned!"

You and Jesse shared a weirded out look. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, when you saw how much these people practically worshipped you. They out you and your friends on a pedestal, idolizing you to a concerning degree. Before Beacon Town was officially named, people had latched into the idea that the place should be called Jesseville, in honor of their hero.

Jesse quickly shot down the idea, and opted to name it after the centerpiece of the town: the beacons.

The man returned, a crowd running after him. They cheered as they saw you.

As your group walked past them, you smiled and waved at as many as you could.

"Wow, look what you've done with this place, it looks freaking awesome!" Jesse told them, causing them to scream even louder.

One woman ran in front of you. "Welcome back!" she sang.

Jesse gave her a high-five, and she turned to her friend, bragging about it.

Someone screamed, but it was different from the other excited ones. It grated on your ears, like a knife scraping against a plate, and your head whipped over to where it came from.

A giant skull made of stone bricks and pieces of lapis was supported by four long, tentacle-like legs of stone. It was covered in vines, and from its mouth lava spilled out. A group of people was gathered beneath it.

"That wasn't a happy to see us scream," Olivia commented as you all stared at the skull.

"Wow," Petra said, "that's new. It somehow manages to evoke skull and tentacles."

"While still doing the whole "barfing lava" thing." Olivia made a sound of disgust.

Jesse didn't agree with them. "Wow, that is one epic build, with the lava."

"Yeah, yeah!" Axel joined in excitedly. "And the skull motif?"

"Awesome," they said together.

"I will never understand your taste."

You liked Ivor's build. Yeah, it was pretty out of place in the shiny, happy land of Beacon Town and was probably a safety violation, but it was still cool.

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