New Information - And Children

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A/N - (The order of Soviet's children will be based on when they left the Union in 1991)

The war had been going on for 3 years. 3 years of brutal battles, wounded and dead soldiers and citizens, and the Axis powers have almost taken over the entire eastern world. America and Soviet were able to find out what was causing the countries to become power crazy. And what they found was not pleasant. (1942)

America's POV -

It's been three years and these years have been hell. There seems to not be a single way to win this. However, Soviet had said he found something very interesting. As I was working on new battle plans, I hear sets of feet running past the open doors of my office. And I hear multiple kid voices.


I look up and see Soviet's children come running in. Lithuania (4), Georgia, Latvia, Estonia, and Ukraine (all are 2) come in first with their younger siblings; Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan (all are 1) following close behind. I also see Soviet with a stroller that has three newborns (Tajikistan, Armenia, Turkmenistan) . I smile, walk from behind my desk, and kneel fast enough to catch them. As soon as I do, they start talking really fast.

Lithuania - "Uncle Ame, did you see how fast I ran?! I was so fast! Faster than Georgia!"

Georgia - "No you weren't! I was faster then you!"

Lithuania - "Were not!"

Georgia - "Were too!

Lithuania -"Not. Not. Not. Not. Not!"

Georgia - "Daddy!! Lithuania is being mean to me!!"

Soviet - "Girls. No fighting."

Lithuania - "Dad, I didn't even do anything!"

Georgia - "Yes, you did! You are being mean to me!"

Lithuania - "Am not!"

Georgia - "Are too!"

Lithuania - "AM NOT!!"

Georgia - "ARE TOO!!"

Belarus - "Guys...Daddy said stop fighting..."

"Girls. Mind your manners. No fighting."

Both Girls - "Sorry, Uncle Ame..."

America ruffles their hair and gets up to greet the twins.

"Hi guys!"

Ukraine - "Uncle!"

Latvia - "Ame!"

America kneels down and they hug him tight

"How are you guys?"

Ukraine - "Good!"

Moldova, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan - "UnCle AmE! We wAnT a Hug!!"

America laughs and hugs the four boys tightly.

"How are my favorite nephews doing?!"

Uzbekistan - "GoOd!!"

Moldova, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan - "YUp"

"Well that is very good! You guys haven't been giving your dad any trouble, right?

All of the kids - "No Sir!!!"


Latvia - "Uncle. Can we play with toys?"

"Sure sweetie. You know where to find them"

Latvia and Ukraine - "Thank you!!"

The girls run to the toys and the boys follow as America stands back up

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