The Videos

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Hey guys!! I'm back!! I apologize for being so inactive! Life as a college student can get really busy so quick. Anyway, I'm going to make 2 new chapters back to back to make up for it. 

Hope you enjoy!!

PS - The videos will be just something thrown together.

[1943 - The Next Day]

America, the Axis Powers, and Soviet got up the next day and began making the videos for their children. America had set everything up the day before and everything was ready.

America - "You guys ready?"

Nazi - "Ame. What exactly are we suppose to say? I get the whole talking to them thing but what do I say?"

America - "Well, you could say anything you want. Any words of wisdom, helpful tips, etc."

FI - "So, we just encourage them?"

Soviet - "Yes. Talk to them. Tell them everything."

JE (gets in front of the camera) - "Okay. I'll go first."

Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Soviet get in line to make the videos.

America (starting the video recorder) - "Alrighty. Whenever you're ready."


After all of the videos were completed, America puts them up in a cupboard that has a personalized lock on it that only he can open. (Or someone he gives the secret to). 

America (locks the cabinet and backs away before turning to the others)- "Okay. Everything is set up. It will all be here if we need it."  

JE - "Thank you Ame. I am sorry we have to ask you to do this."

Nazi (hugging his twins tightly) - "Yes. I am so sorry."

America - "It's okay. None of this is y'all's fault."

JE, Nazi, and FI look at each other and nod.

Nazi - "Ame. When it comes to killing us, please let it be you or Soviet. No one else."

America - "What? You guys aren't gonna die. I won't let you."

JE - Ame. It'll be okay. Thousands of people have lost their lives. Please don't make this any harder."

America (sighs heavily) - "Fine."

All five smile and hug each other before backing away.

Suddenly, everything is not ok.

FI (starts shaking really bad) - "Ame. Get my son, please. 

Soviet - "Italy? What's wrong?"

America grabs the twins from Italy's hands and backs away

America - "That's not Italy. It's his hazed self."

Nazi - "No... Not now..."

Italy starts shaking and has a crazy look in his eyes with tears rolling down his face.

America - "Soviet, take Nazi and JE and put the kids in the room. Now."

Soviet - "I'm not leaving you here."

America - "Now, Soviet. France and Britain are coming any second now. The kids and the other two Axis' cannot be seen. Move now, Soviet."

Soviet - "Ame..."

Butler - "Mr. America, sir! France and Britain are here. They are walking up the stairs."

America - "Move Soviet. NOW!"

Soviet grabs the kids and the Axis follow after him, all three giving one last look at their friends.

Britain and France rush into  the room just as Italy lunges for America. Britain quickly uses his cane and holds it against Italy's neck. Italy starts struggling and trying to get a good hit on the others. France checks on America and quickly turns to Italy. 

France - "Give it up, Italy. Its over." 

Italy looks at America and America can see traces of his old friend. Italy's eyes were begging him to end the suffering and pain. America holds up a gun and points it at Italy with tears falling down his face. 

America (crying hard) - "I am so sorry, Italy. I'm sorry. Let him go Britain. It'll be okay."

Britain - "You bloody oaf. Are you crazy?!"

Italy stops struggling and Britain's hold began to slack a little. 

America - "Back away from him Britain. This is the only way to end this."

France - "Mon amour. Back away."

Britain looks at his son and wife and lowers the cane backing away from Italy. Italy stands and stares straight at America before nodding his head. America starts crying even harder and pulls the trigger. Italy starts to fall and America rushes to him, hugging him close, apologizing so many times. As Italy fades and begins to crumble, he smiles at America and says two sentences. (Italy technically became an ally after being forced to surrender but for plot, he "died".)

Thank you, Ame. Please protect my kid.

America watches as his friend fades away leaving only his clothes and his hat. 

I'm sorry, Italy! I'm so sorry!

America brings the clothes close to his chest and sobs into them. France and Britain look at each other with sorrow in their eyes and France wipes a tear before going up to America. 

France (rubs America's back softly) - Mon cher, I am so sorry. I know how close you two were." 

Britain - "It'll be ok, son. You did what you had to."

America (still sobbing loudly) - "Can you two leave? Please."

France and Britain look at each other and stand up. 

France - "It'll be ok, my love. I promise."

Both countries walk out the door, giving America one last look before leaving. As soon as they are gone, Soviet, Nazi, and JE come back running in, towards America. They see the scene and fall to the ground next to America, sobbing.

All four hug each other tightly and suffer the lose of their friend together. 

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