Nothing Like the Present

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Damn. It's been so long guys! I'm sorry it's so late, life can get really busy before you know it. Anyway! On with the story!!!

Present Day - World Meeting

The countries are fighting with each other (I'll be using the Russian - Ukraine War for this) and UN is getting very angry and annoyed.

UN - "Everyone. SHUT UP!"

The countries quickly quiet and return to their seats, many glaring at the others

UN sighs - "Thank you. Now, I know this is a difficult time for everyone. With the Russia - Ukraine war going on. But you have to remember you are not your government. You don't have to fight just because your government is."

Russia glares at him - "What's that matter? My dad wanted us together. He didn't want any of this. Especially  the capitalism."

Ukraine rolls her eyes - "Get over it already. Dad lost the war. You don't need to be his knight in shining armor."

Russia growls at her - "Shut. Up. At least I don't turn my back on my family. And join the enemy!"

Ukraine groans - "Russia. Dad is dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can move on!"

Kazakhstan - "Guys... Please calm down... We shouldn't be fighting..."

Russia quickly gets up and walks to Ukraine - "I won't forget him. I won't allow him to just fade away. No matter what the little zasranec  I call a sister says!"

Before anyone knows it, the Soviet kids start fighting/try to stop the fighting

Latvia is holding Russia and Estonia is holding back Ukraine

Ukraine - "Dad is dead! Get over it! I know you want him back but it's been years Russia! I am not going to join you and start all that again. Dad was a communist and I refuse to suffer under that rule again!"

Russia - "Dad would have wanted us to be together Ukraine! All of us! He would want to fight against capitalism. I refuse to let him die for nothing!"

Belarus - "Russia is right! We should to honor dad!"

America standing in between the two - "Russia, please calm down. Soviet wouldn't want you guys fighting. He would want you to live your own lives."

Russia glares and growls at him - "Oh like you care capitalist! You just stood over my dad as he was dying! You didn't even help him! You were waiting for him to die, just to win your stupid war! You didn't care about dad and you don't care about us either! You probably don't even care about Japan and Germany!"

America's eyes widen - "I care about all of you Russia. Your parents were my bests friends."

Russia pushes Latvia away and grabs America by the collar - "Then why did you let him die? Why did you move on so quickly!"

Estonia - "Russia! Put him down. Now."

Russia growls and lets go of America, walking out of the building - "Whatever."

Germany - "I'll... go after him..."

Japan - "Me too..."

Both countries quickly follow their friend

Estonia helps America up and he sits in a chair

Estonia - "What did Russia mean? Could you have done something?"

America sighs and rubs his neck, blinking his eyes rapidly - "No... Your dad was under some drug and it caused him to go crazy. The same happened with Nazi, Imperial Japan and Imperial Italy. They asked me to watch over you guys. All of you."

Latvia quickly hugs America - "And you're doing that. They would be so happy."

America sniffs and laughs as he hugs her back - "Thanks Latvia... As I was saying, I couldn't do anything then. But I can now if anything happens again. I have figured out the antidote.

Latvia backs away - "Really!?! That's great!"

America smiles and ruffles her hair - "Yeah. It is."

As the countries continue talking, Canada come running in out of breath - "Ame!!"

America stands up - "Maple? What's wrong?"

Canada runs to him and hands him a note, breathing hard - "Russia.... Japan.... Germany.... Note..."

America helps his brother to a chair - "Easy Maple. Just relax. Ukraine, can you help him? While I read this?"

Ukraine nods and walks over to Canada with a glass of water - "Here. Drink."

Canada takes it and gulps it - "Thank you..."

Estonia - "So, what's the note say?"

America ignores her and squishes his hand into a fist - "I have to go..."

Estonia places a hand on his shoulder - "Uncle Ame. What does the note say?"

America - "They took them... They took Japan, Germany, and Russia... I have to go get them..."

UN comes over and takes the note reading it - "You're not doing this alone."

America turns his head and has the same look as when Imperial Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, scaring the countries who fought with him and giving them flashbacks - "I am not going to let anyone risk this.... They want me. I'll deal with it..."

UN - America... You can't... It's too dangerous."

America starts walking out - "UN... Do not send anyone after me or to the address. If you do, I will send them back to you knocked out. Got it? Jonas. Is the car ready. You are the only one coming with me."

Jonas salutes America - "Yes Sir. The car is always ready. We just need you and your instructions."

Britian - "Ame. What's going on?"

America shakes his head and starts sprinting - "I have to go."

France - "Ame!!"

Estonia - America!!!

As America leaves, the countries quickly grab the note and read it, and the Soviet Children start crying.

Note -

Dear United States of America.

We'll skip the introduction since you know who we are. We have some... kids... you may be interested in. We have the children of your dead friends - Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Imperial Japan. Surrender to us and we'll let them go. You must come alone or we will kill them. As a deal, we will never harm or bother them again as long as you stay our captive. If you try to break free, the deal is invalid.

Come to ****XXXXXX***** at 1:00 tomorrow and do not be late. If you are, you lose.

So... I am so so sorry it is so late. I was having major writers block for this story. But I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I need some help. Would it be better to make the enemy a real country? Or a random OC? I have a few countries as ideas but I don't like making them bad. Anyway, let me know what you think.

And, thanks for reading and sticking around.

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