The Deal

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*Picture above has no reference to the story. I just looked for a picture with all of them*

America and Jonas were in the bulletproof, high - tech limo, headed to the location that was on the note. (Because he's fancy like that)

America is looking out the window and sighs - "Jonas... I need you to listen very carefully."

Jonas nods his head from the front seat - "Yes sir?"

America looks at him through the mirror - "As soon as we get there, they will be on guard. I need you to make sure everyone gets out and put in the car safely. I know the kids will try to fight back but you CANNOT let them. I need you to get them in the car and leave. Got that?"

Jonas sighs - "Yes sir... Sir... If I may..."

America - "Speak."

Jonas takes a deep breath - "How do you know they will hold up their end?"

America smiles - "I know they will because I have already told UN. I emailed him a list of what to do if the plan falls through."

Jonas - "How long have you had this all planned...?"

America - "Years. I needed to be prepared for anything. There is also something else I need you to do. You know that room in my house?"

Jonas raises an eyebrow - "The locked one? By your office?"

America takes a chain from around his neck and places it on the middle console - "You need to take them there. It's about their parents..."

Jonas - "Sir. You act like you won't come back..."

America shakes his head - "Don't worry about that. Just do your part and it'll be ok.

Jonas nods his head - "Yes sir..."

*At the location (Let's just say abandoned warehouse)*

Jonas parks the car and gets out, quickly going to America's door and opening it

America gets out slowly before straightening and looking at the doors of the warehouse as they open as North Korea comes out with a worried face

North Korea - "America... You're here..."

America - "North Korea. I figured. Now, let them go."

North Korea has a scared face - "America... I'm sorry... I had no choice..."

America - "I know. I was talking to the person behind you."

North Korea looks at the man standing on the steps - "S...Sir.... I did what I was suppose to..."

Mystery Person chuckles darkly - "Well done. Bring out the prisoners. A deal is a deal."

The henchmen bring out Russia, Japan, and Germany, who quickly run to America

Japan sobs and hugs him tightly - "You came! I was so scared!"

America rubs her back - "Shh. It's okay. I want you to go with Jonas. Get in the car. All of you."

Russia - "America..."

America shakes his head - "Go. Now."

The three countries get in the car and Jonas closes the door, activating the safety.

America - "Let North Korea go as well. He is of no use to you now and I will not let you hurt him anymore."

Mystery Person shrugs - "Take him. I only need you."

North Korea quickly runs behind America - "I'm sorry... They threatened South... I couldn't let him get hurt again..."

America nods - "I figured. Go to the car. You'll be okay."

North Korea nods and quickly goes to the car as Jonas unlocks it and quickly gets in

America looks at the person on the stairs - "You have me. I did as you wanted now you will do as I want."

Mystery Person laughs - "And what would that be?"

America - Do not harm or threaten any countries. If you do, I will make sure you suffer."

Mystery Person laughs - "Deal! Now, if you would kindly get the handcuffs put on you."

America looks back at Jonas - "Get in the car. Go back."

Jonas steps forward - "Sir..."

America - "Go, Jonas. That's an order."

Jonas clenches his fists before turning and getting into the car 

Meanwhile in the car

Russia widens his eyes - "What are you doing!?! You can't leave him!"

Jonas - "I have my orders. You four are the priority."

Germany - "But... America..."

Jonas - "I have my orders. I will not go against my boss."

Japan bangs on the glass - "Ame! Please!"

America looks at them and nods his head

Jonas starts driving off as America gets cuffed, being lead into a plane and forced to board.

The three start yelling for Jonas to turn around but stop when they hear North Korea talking

North Korea rubs his face - "There is no point. America and Miss. Kim Yo Jong ,made a deal. You walk free... he stays with them..." (PS. I chose her because apparently she is more ruthless than her brother. And I needed a real person. I mean no hate onto anyone who likes her. It is just for the plot of the story.)

Russia raises an eyebrow - "Your leader's sister? What would she want with America?"

North Korea sighs - "I don't know. All I know is that she is more ruthless than her brother. And with America there, his country will have to rely on others to help."

Germany sighs and runs his head over Japan's head, who had fallen asleep - "Jonas, where are we going? This isn't the way to the UN building."

Jonas looks at them through the mirror - "I know. America gave me specific orders."

Russia glares - "And what were these orders?"

Jonas - "You'll know when it is time. We will also be meeting Italy. It is something for all four of you."

The four countries all fall asleep as the car gets a soothing rhythm. And when they wake up, they are just pulling into America's driveway. 

Jonas - "Come on. There is something you need to see."

The four countries all follow Jonas into the house and up the stairs, passing by many rooms and one that says "USA Office" before stopping in front of a normal door. Another guard brings in Italy.

Italy looks at the three before hugging them - "You're okay!"

The three countries hug back before breaking it up

Japan looks at Jonas - "So, what is it?"

Jonas grabs the key and opens the door - "I'm not sure. America just said to show you all."

The door opens all the way and the lights turn on as well, revealing a room full of pictures and a wardrobe that was in the middle. The countries all look at each other and walk to the cabinet, taking a deep breath, Russia opens the door and what he sees, makes them all stare. 

*I did it! New chapter! I have the next one drafted... sort of... Anyway, I hope you are enjoying the book and I hope you will like my next chapter.  

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