The Reunion

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Confederate leads the countries to a room arose the hall and stops in front of the door before turning to them - "Alright... y'all ready?"

The counties all look at each other and nod.

Confederate nods and opens the door, inside were workers with all four of the former countries checking their vitals and their health.

Confederate clears his throat - "Um... Former Axis and Soviet... I have some people here for you..."

The four look up and stare at the young countries, Japanese Empire carefully stands up and walks to Japan, cupping her face and crying before hugging her tightly - "私の娘! 私の娘! My daughter! You are here!"

Japan stares at the older country in shock and sobs before hugging back, just as tight - "お母さん! Mom! I missed you so much..."

Japanese Empire pulls away and looks at Japan - "Oh, my sweet girl. Look how you have grown! I am so sorry I missed so much! I won't leave again. I refused to."

Japan smiles and wipes her eyes, nodding - "I have so much to tell you."

Japanese Empire smiles - "I want to here everything."

As the two Asian countries talk, Fascist Italy walks up to his son - "Italy? Is it really you?"

Italy stares at his dad and nods slowly - "It's really me."

Fascist Italy smiles and hugs him tight - "Oh. How I have wanted to meet you for so long! I missed so much of your life my son. We need to catch up on everything. I am so so sorry I left you."

Italy smiles and hugs his dad tight - "Padre. I have wanted to meet you for so long. I never want you to leave again."

Fascist Italy smiles bigger and hugs him tighter - "I will never leave again."

Nazi Germany carefully walks up to his son, almost as if he was scared of startling him - "West? My son?"

Germany nods and smiles - "Yes, father. It is me."

Nazi Germany smiles and reaches out for him before dropping his hands - "I... I'm sorry... I wasn't a good person and I wasn't there for you and your brother... I don't deserve forgiveness and I understand if you hate me for everything..."

Germany shakes his head - "I never blamed you. America told me what happened and we saw the videos."

Nazi Germany nods but is still standoffish so Germany goes to him and hugs him - "I am so glad you're here. I have missed you so much."

Nazi smiles and hugs him back - "I'm so glad my son. But where is your brother?"

Germany looks away - "He is in hospice. America has been watching over him and paying for everything. I can see him tomorrow."

Nazi nods and hugs Germany again - "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

Germany smiles - "You're here now. That's all that matter."

Nazi smiles - "Thank you son."

As the former Axis all catch up with their kids, Soviet walks up to Russia, carefully reaching out to him - "My child... How you have grown and how I have missed you."

Russia rubs his eyes - "Dad, you are really here! I missed you so much."

Soviet hugs Russia tightly - "I am so sorry I left you. I never wanted to. I also never wanted to hurt you or your siblings."

Russia smiles and hugs Soviet back tight - "We all forgive you. I can't wait for you to see the others."

Soviet smiles and ruffles Russia's hair - "I can't wait."

The countries are all talk to their kids and catch up when Soviet asks the question everyone was dreading.

"Where is Ame? He should be here."

The four younger countries all look down and Germany starts explaining everything that happened.

Nazi, red in the face - "Why?! What does she want with him?!"

JE puts a hand in his shoulder - "Calm down. We can get him."

Soviet leans against the desk and sighs - "He has made the deal. We must respect that."

FI gasps - "How can you say that!?! He is our friend! He helped us! He helped you!"

Soviet looks down - "He would do the same. Why risk multiple countries when it is just one they want?"

JE - "Soviet, what if they do the same thing? America is a superpower from what the kids have said. He will destroy everything."

Soviet looks at her - "If that happens, we will do the same for him that he did for us."

FI - "You mean.... Kill him?!!?!"

Soviet nods - "Yes. He had to suffer, it would only be fair if when it was time, we freed him."

JE looks down - "We can't Sov. I can't bring myself to do it."

N - "There is a chance it won't come to that... but if it does, we will need to be the ones to end him...."

The other countries all nod and look down

Japan - "You can't be serious! After everything America has done, you will just kill him?!"

JE looks at her - "My daughter. If he becomes hazed like we were, he will make a third war. Everyone will be in it and who would protect? America is the leader of NATO. He is one of America's kids. Who would fight him?"

Germany places his hand on Japan's shoulder - "She has a point. Most of us may be apart of NATO and we can't attack another country."

Russia looks at his dad - "But what about us? There are some not part of NATO. We can fight."

N - "And risk your people? Do you want death of millions of people?"

Russia looks away - "No. Of course not.."

FI - "We will need to use his plan. But change it a little so he doesn't know what we are doing."

Soviet nods - "I know. America did the same things for us. It is only fair we do the same and help him. He is our friend."

The other countries all nod, looking away before Confederate breaks the silence - "So? What is the plan? America would not want people to die because of him."

Soviet looks at him - "First? We need to warn UN and the others including NATO and the militaries."

The countries all nod and go to the car, Jonas gets in the front

Soviet - "Jonas, to the UN building."

Jonas looks at them - "But won't people question? How you are alive?"

N shakes his head - "America has thought of this. He will have everything ready."

Jonas nods and starts the car - "Alright. Off we go."

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