Chapter 1: A Lesson to Be Taught

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Saturday afternoon, surely one of the best parts of the week.

Well, usually. On this particular Saturday afternoon, Gumball was bored out of his mind.

Darwin was out on a date with Carrie and Anais was hanging out with Jamie so he was left to entertain himself.

He'd tried watching TV with his father but there was nothing good on and he'd already played his games so many times they weren't fun to play through by himself anymore.

Eventually, he decided to hang out with one of his friends. It took a while to decide on who but eventually he landed on Hector. He hadn't hung out with him for a long, long time and thought it would be interesting to spend some time with him. He hadn't had lunch either as he was hoping Hector's mom would make something for them.

He arrived outside his cave and called inside asking if anyone was home.

He got no response so tried again even louder, but still nothing.

He shrugged and decided to just go inside.

He looked around at the mess. The damp walls, the constant dripping, it must drive Hector crazy.

He wasn't paying attention and walked right into Mrs Jötunheim who screamed, startled, and got out her wand blasting him out the cave.

He got up in pain. "Ow! What was that for!?"

She walked out looking annoyed. "Didn't I tell you to learn some manners!?"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Says the one who just exploded me out of her cave!"

"Yeah, because you were intruding and you startled me!"

He shrugged. "Not my fault you're deaf and didn't hear me."

"Deaf!? I'm in a freaking cave, it's kind of hard to hear things outside when I'm so far inside of it!"

"Well, you shouldn't have chosen to live in such a stupid place then. I mean, really, a cave!?"

She started to get angry. "Chose to!? You think I want to live like this!? I'm a single mother with no job and a giant titan son, this is the best I can do!"

He chuckled. "Sucks to be you then!"

She growled. "Oh, you think you have it so much better than me, don't you?!"

"Well, duh! I have a proper house, a bed, actual heating, electricity, y'know basic necessities whilst you have a damp, cold...cave."

"and who pays for all of that?"

"My Mom, duh."

"and have you ever thanked her for it?"

"No...? I mean, she's my mom, it's her job to provide me food and shelter."

"Her job!? She slaves away to provide for you, because she loves you and because she cares about you, don't you think you should show some gratitude?"

"I mean, she knows I love her, isn't that enough?" He shrugged.

She was starting to get really annoyed.

"You are the most stubborn, arrogant person I've ever met!"

He rolled his eyes. "Ugh, you sound like my sister! Gumball, don't do that! Gumball, you'll get in trouble, Gumball that's a bad idea, Gumball, listen to my stupid annoying whingy voice!" He mocked her voice.

"and why do you think your sister whines at you so much?"

He shrugged. "Because she's an annoying little know it all most of time?"

She clenched her fist and tried to remain calm.

"Or, don't you think that maybe, just maybe, she does it out of her love for you? Because she cares and is worried about you? Because she's trying to look after you and keep you out of trouble, keep you from getting hurt?"

"Pfft, I know what I'm doing. I can look after myself, I don't need her whining at me telling me what to do! Besides, I have Darwin to help me. He'll go along with any stupid idea I come up with."

She snapped, unable to contain her anger anymore.

"How dare you!? How rude and insensitive can you be!? It's clear you take your family for granted, but not anymore! I'll teach you a lesson, a lesson you'll never forget! You'll learn the hard way to appreciate what you have!"

She took out her wand and cast a spell on him.

He closed his eyes and screamed expecting something to happen.

He slowly opened his eyes and stopped screaming confused and saw nothing had changed.

"Huh? Uhhhhh...nothing happened..."

"Oh, something happened alright. Just you wait..." She chuckled.

He shrugged. "Whatever, I'll be fine with whatever you did. Anyway, I'm going home, don't wanna hang out with Hector if you're gonna be around all miserable and whining."

He walked away whistling.

She watched and began to grin. "Oh, just you wait. You'll come crawling back to me in the morning, begging me for'll see..."

She walked back inside and she began to laugh.

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