Chapter 2: The Curse Begins

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A while later Gumball finally arrived home, it now being dark out because he'd had to walk back.

"Ugh, finally. I need a hot shower..."

He went to open the front door but it was locked.

"What the what!? Why am I locked out!?"

Confused, he ran over and looked through the window. He saw his family all watching TV and laughing without him.

"What?! What is wrong with them!"

He knocked on the door repeatedly and began yelling. "Hey, what gives?! I'm still out here! Let me in already!"

Nicole heard and got up. "Alright, alright, I'm coming!

She unlocked and answered the door. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, maybe don't lock me out of my own house for starters. Anyway, have you started dinner yet? I haven't had lunch so I'm starving!"

He went to walk inside but Nicole stopped him.

"What on earth do you think you're doing!?" She yelled.

"Going inside...?" He said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"You can't just barge your way into a stranger's home! What is wrong with you!?"

"Wha-stranger?!" He looked at her and rolled his eyes. "Look, Mom, I'm really not in the mood for this."

He tried to go inside again. Nicole, furious, swiped at him with her claws and slashed his cheek causing it to bleed. He fell backwards on the grass.

"AGH!!! Mom, what the actual what?! What is wrong with you?! attacked me! Why!? It really hurt!" He yelled and began to tear up as he held his cheek.

She yelled at him clenching her fist."Try and come inside my house again and I'll call the cops on you!"

"Mom, this isn't funny, stop it." He started to get annoyed.

"I'm not joking around! Who do you think you are, having the audacity to try and just walk into my house."

"Mom, seriously, stop, please!" He was starting to get slightly concerned, scared even.

"Why do you keep calling me Mom for!? I'm not your mother, and you're weirding me out with how your acting, so you can stop right now!"

He slowly got up. "Mom, calm down, please. I'm guessing you're probably mad at me for something and are trying to scare me or something but this is taking things too far, this isn't funny anymore. Please, let's just go inside and all laugh about it, alright?"

"I am not your mother, in fact I've no idea who you are! I've never seen you in my life, so stop acting like we know each other or I swear I will call the police on you!" She was starting to get seriously annoyed by him now.

Meanwhile Gumball's ears lowered as he began to get genuinely scared. "M-Mom...please this...this isn't funny! Just stop, please!" He begged her as he began to cry.

"I assure you, this is no joke. Leave, or I will call the police on you for harassing me!"

He turned to Darwin hoping to get help. "D-Darwin, come on, back me up. Tell her to stop this stupid thing, it's starting to really freak me out."

Darwin turned around confused. "Huh? do you know my name? Do I know you?"

Gumball was now began to full-on panic.

"What!? Darwin, i-i-it's me! Your best buddy! Y-Y-Your...your brother!"

"What? I don't have any brothers." He sounded genuinely confused.

Gumball started to cry harder, heartbroken his best friend didn't know him anymore. "W-what?! Of course you do! I'm your brother, we've known each other for eight years, we're best friends, you know that!"

Darwin raised his eyebrow. "No...I've never seen you before, sorry."

Gumball looked at his father pleadingly.


Richard shook his head. "Pretty sure I only have one son last I checked."

His voice got quieter and broke and his ears lowered even further.

"A-Anais...? have to know me."

Anais shook her head. "Sorry, no. Darwin's my only sibling. Maybe you hit your head and became confused?"

"No, I'm not! You're my little sister! You have to remember!"

Nicole yelled at him, beginning to get freaked out by him. "How do you know so much about my family!? Have you been stalking us!?"

"What, no! I'm your son! I live here! You love me! You all do! I'm..." He looked up at her, whimpering with wide eyes and quietly said. "I'm your little Gummypuss..."

"I have no idea what nonsense you're trying to get me to believe but it won't work. I mean, Gummypuss!? What a load of rubbish!" She chuckled.

He continued to cry and pleaded with her. "You have to remember, please. One of you has to!"

"Ani...? Buddy...? Please...?" He asked quietly whilst he whimpered and looked at them both but they just shrugged and looked away.


He went to hold her paw but she slapped it away.

"Just stay away from me and my family you... creep!"

She slammed the door in his face and locked him out.

He slowly turned around beginning to walk away.

He held back more tears. "What...what's going on?! Why do none of my family remember me!? What...w-what do I do now...?"

He walked away, unsure where to go or what to do now that his family had seemingly gone crazy.

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