Author's Notes

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Wow, what a story huh? I really enjoyed writing this one and I think it's one of the best I've written so far. Definitely the darkest too, and to think it all came from the simple idea of 'Mrs. Jötunheim curses Gumball'. Not sure where or how the rest of it came to be but it turned out really well.

I was going to wait a while to release this but I'm really proud of it and can't wait for people to see it so screw it, here you go!


Went back and added two more chapters before the park scene, plus extended/rewrote parts of the other chapters as after I released the story I felt the pacing was way off and the story just wasn't long enough. Gumball missing his family and having the realisations just felt a bit sudden. I hope you enjoy the extended cut!

I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did writing it! If you did, please make sure to check out my other stories too! I have many more much more uplifshotstories one shots as well as some more serious ones too, so something for everyone! I'm sure you'll enjoy them too!

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