Chapter 3: Downhill

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Gumball continued to aimlessly walk, fresh tears threatening to fall.

He thought about what to do now that he was locked out of his own house all.

His mind wandered and finally, he had an idea. He sighed. It wasn't one he liked as he didn't want to dump his problems onto her, but he didn't really have any choice.

He took out his phone and dialled her number.

It rang, once, then twice, then a third time. "Come on, answer!"

It continued ringing until finally...


"Penny, hey! I know it's late and I'm really sorry to disturb you but do you think I could maybe...stay at your place tonight? I don't know why but my family has gone crazy and are acting like they don't who I am anymore and locked me out and I really don't have anywhere else to go."

There was silence for a moment as she contemplated what he'd said before...

"Who is this? How do you have my number?"

At this point, he began to genuinely panic."Oh no, not you too! Penny, it's me, Gumball! Your boyfriend!"

"Excuse me!? Boyfriend?! I'm not your girlfriend you...weirdo!"

He began to cry again, becoming desperate.

"Penny please, you have to believe me. You love me. You'd do anything to help me, I know you would! I can always rely on you! I can always turn to you! Please, I'm all alone here, I need you!"

She began to get annoyed. "I'm sorry, I don't know what fantasy you're living in but I have no idea who you are, I've never heard of anyone called Gumball and we certainly aren't going out, so stay away the heck away from me! Oh, and don't try calling me back. I'm blocking this number!"

"Penny, please, wai-" She hung up.

He started to cry even harder, a knot forming in his stomach as he was now genuinely terrified. "Penny doesn't remember me either!? W-hat's going on?! What do I...what do I do now?"

He sat down on the pavement and cried into his paws, as he became overwhelmed by his current situation. His family and girlfriend had no idea who he was, he was locked out of his house with nowhere to go, he was starving, freezing and had no idea what to do. He was completely out of his depth and he was terrified.

His stomach rumbled, almost as if it were trying to guide him and he clutched his stomach, remembering he hadn't had lunch or dinner. "Ohhhh, I'm so hungry, why didn't I have lunch?!"

He thought for a moment and came to a decision.

"I need food first, I can't think straight on an empty stomach.

"Please say I have some money on me..."

He fished around in his pocket and found a dollar.

"A dollar!? I can't get anything with that!"

He sighed. "Guess I can try at least..."

He got up and headed to the store to see if there was anything at all he can afford.


After what seemed like hours later he had searched every shelf in the store, but all he could afford was a measly chocolate bar.

He looked longingly at the assortment of sandwiches, especially the big baguette ones in the nearby aisle as his stomach growled.

"Is everything okay sir?" He heard Larry ask.

Gumball thought for a moment, before having an idea. It was a long shot, but maybe, just maybe it would work.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied at he placed a chocolate bar and a baguette on the counter to pay.

"That'll be $3.50 please."

Gumball placed the dollar he had on the counter.

"Sir, I'm afraid this isn't enough. I need $2.50 more."

"Please, this is all I have."

"I'm sorry but I can't just give you the sandwich for free."

"Why not? It's about to expire anyway!"

"It's against store policy. I could get fired if I were to do so.

"Oh come, please, I'm starving!" He teared up.

Larry looked at Gumball with sympathy and bit his lip. He considered giving Gumball the sandwich when a camera on the wall moved closer to his face. Larry noticed and panicked slightly.

"I'm sorry sir, but rules are rules. You can't have the sandwich."

He took it and put it behind the counter leaving just the chocolate bar.

Gumball sighed and walked out with his measly dinner.

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