Chapter 6: Reflection & Realisation

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Gumball trudged along, tears falling down his face, making his cheek sting even more as he was lost in his thoughts.

He kept thinking about Darwin, Anais, Mom and Dad. He missed them so much. He just wanted to be with them. He didn't care what they wanted to do with him, he'd agree to it in a heartbeat, as long as it meant he was with them.

He realised had no idea how much he needed them, how much he appreciated them, and everything they did for him, until now. How could have been so ungrateful?

He began to fill with intense guilt as he also realised how terribly he'd treated them all.

He lazed about all day whilst his Mom slaved away cleaning the house, cooking dinner for him and working long, stressful days at the Rainbow Factory, a job she loathed, just to be able to provide for him and his siblings and not once had he ever offered to help or even thanked her or shown any kind of appreciation for it.

He just expected it of her, without ever once thinking about how hard and stressful it must be for her. In fact, he only made her stress tenfold, as he constantly caused problem after problem, adding more and more to her plate. He made her so angry almost all the time and brushed her off with his constant sarcastic comebacks, most of which were needlessly insulting to her. She'd given up so much for them and he hadn't given anything back. He'd been so selfish!

Anais cared about him so much. She went out of her way to look after him, gotten him out of so many situations and not once had he ever properly thanked her or shown any appreciation.

It shouldn't be her job to worry about him, It should be him worrying about her. She was his little sister, she should be looking to him for help, looking to him for guidance, not...babysitting him!

But no, he just annoyed her to no end and brushed her off, ignoring her whenever she tried to tell him something important or give him advice.

She tried so hard to keep him out of trouble, because she was worried about it, because she genuinely cared about him and what had he done? Make fun of her, tease her and treat her like she was nothing but an annoying brat. She tried so, so hard to get him to just listen to her and he completely disregarded her. He'd been such an absolute jerk to her, such a terrible brother, no wonder she didn't hang out with him much. No wonder Darwin was her favourite.

His Dad loved him and made sure he knew it. He went out of his way to keep him and the rest of the family happy, make sure they were okay, make them laugh, make sure they stuck together, and what had he done in return? Mock him for being useless and stupid and throw countless insults at him, even when he was actively risking his own life to save him! How could he be insensitive? So mean?

Sure he wasn't the most intelligent but he made up for that with his love for the family. He'd do anything to look after them, keep the safe and be just took him as a joke, made jokes at his expense and never took him seriously. How could do that to his own father?


Darwin was so loyal to him, so kind, so forgiving. He never gave up on him, never left Gumball's side. He was such a great friend to him and Gumball had treated him so, so poorly in return. He dragged him into all kinds of stupid situations and got him into trouble so often. He never listened to his advice, just brushed him off and ignored him, even though he was right every single time.

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