Chapter 7: Appreciation

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The following morning Gumball woke up, still against the tree he and Penny had cuddled up against last night before he eventually fallen asleep purring in her warm, loving embrace.

Penny. He looked around and she was nowhere to be seen. Just like she'd said, she hadn't been able to stay with him the whole night. She'd probably left right after he'd fallen asleep.

He couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. He'd hoped that maybe, just maybe she would change her mind and stay with him...

The feline sighed. He couldn't be so ungrateful. She had already gone above and beyond for him, helped him when no one else would. He couldn't expect anything more from her.

Besides...even if she wasn't here anymore, he could still feel her gentle embrace, her warmth..her love. Even if she wasn't here physically, she would always be here in his heart. No matter what.

As he went to stand up he notice he was still wearing her raincoat. He smiled. Of course she'd let him keep it. That was just like her...

But that wasn't all. He also now had a blanket covering him. Where did she get a blanket from? She didn't have one on her, and she had no money to buy one. At least not on her...

As he took the blanket off of him he noticed something else. There, next to the base of the tree, was a backpack. 

The kitten, confused, took the backpack and opened it. He gasped in surprise as he saw what was inside. He smiled, tearing up and beginning to cry softly. 

Inside was a breakfast muffin from the bakery, a yogurt, a few energy bars, and a few bottles of water She had come back and left him breakfast. The poor girl must have gotten barely any sleep, all just to help out some stranger she had only just met, just because he claimed to be her girlfriend...

What had he done to ever deserve such a kind, loving, caring girlfriend like her? Once this whole thing was over, once everything was back to normal and everyone remembered him, he'd have to do something massive for her in return. He didn't know what that would be exactly, but he would be sure to make it up to her, no matter what it took.

As he took out the muffin and placed the backpack down, he noticed something taped to the front. A piece of paper, presumably a note from her. He took it off and opened it up, beginning to read it as he ate.

'Hey Gumball

I hope you're feeling better now after a good night's sleep. God knows you needed it with what you've been through. I'm really sorry I had to leave you on your own, really I am. I stayed with you as long as I could, even after you had fallen asleep, and I really wanted to stay until you woke up again, but unfortunately I had to go home otherwise my parents would have gotten really worried.' 

The feline smiled. It's okay Pen. You already did enough for me. You don't need to fact if anyone should be it's me.

'When I got back though I couldn't get to sleep. I just couldn't stop thinking about you. I was so worried, and I felt so guilty for just leaving you like that. In the end, I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to do something to make sure I knew you were alright. So I snuck back out. I know, pretty dumb idea, and if I get caught I'm gonna be in huge trouble. But I don't care, It's worth it.

As you've probably already noticed I brought a blanket with me to keep you warm. Feel free to keep it and your raincoat for as long as you need. I also used the last of my allowance to get you some breakfast, plus some water and energy bars to keep you going, as well as a pen and notebook so I could leave you this note. I know it's not much, but it'll keep you going for a little while.'

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