Chapter 4: Survival

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Gumball walked as he ate his chocolate bar. As he continued to think about his situation he began to grow angry at his family.

How could they do something like this to him? What was wrong with the? What was this even supposed to be? A sick joke? Did they find it funny, torturting him like this?!

Who's idea even was it? Anais? She could be pretty harsh to him sometimes but would she really goes this far?

No, it was someone else. Surely it had to be his Mother to blame, she had put him in this same situation once before after all ,except at least that time he still had Darwin and was allowed to sleep in the house. This time she had had gone way too far with it!

What had he even to make her want to do this anyway? He hadn't gotten in trouble or upset anyone!

Whatever the case, he'd show her! He didn't need any of them! He'd survive just fine without them! Sure he has failed before, but he meant it this time!

"Just you watch Mom, I'll prove I can survive fine on my own! I mean, I'm cat, I was born for this!

He saw a rat scuttle by him and stop in front of a bag of trash that was ripped open. It began to eat some cheese that was poking out.

Gumball grinned as he extended his claws. He wouldn't usually indulge his more savage cat tendencies like this but he was desperate. His eyes narrowed and turned yellow and cat-like as he focused on his cat instincts.

He slowly crouched down and focused his sights on the rat, locking onto his prey.

His butt wiggled as he prepared to pounce, and he licked his lips.

He let out a growl before jumping towards the rat.

Unfortunately, the growl alerted the rat to his presence and it ran away, leaving Gumball to fall face first into the trash.


He sat in the trash, eyes back to normal, and crossed his arms annoyed. As he did the rat came back out and sat in front of him, watching him, letting out some squeaks, almost as if it were laughing at him.

Gumball clenched his fist, growled and leapt forward trying to grab but it once again rain away, leading to Gumball just face planting on the pavement.


He looked around at the rat was gone again.

He sighed in defeat and sat back up again.

He pondered what to do before slowly looking over to the trash.

Was he really about to do this?

His stomach growled again to answer his question for him.

He sighed and opened up the trash taking out a mouldy burger.

He hesitated before closing his eyes and taking a bite.

He managed to swallow and seemed surprised.

"Huh, I guess that wasn't so-"

He suddenly held his stomach and gagged before throwing up into the trash bag.

He looked up and sighed, tearing up again.

Oh, who am I kidding, of course I need them! I can't do this all on my own!

His ears lowered and he whimpered as he once again realised just how scared he was. He was out all alone late at night, with nowhere to go, and no one to turn to. He was terrified. He had no idea what was going to happen to him.

He began to shiver as he realised how cold it had now gotten. He could see his breath in front of him.

He sighed and got up out of the trash before wrapping his arms around him as he continued to shake.

Unsure of where to go or what to do he just walked, fresh tears falling down his face.

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