chapter 17

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Pic credit - reverst_x7

Pls ignore grammatical error and typos.

Words count: 4.2k

Enjoy 💜

The sharp rays of sun which came through the curtains makes the sleeping guy to flutter his eyes.

He is awake but he didn't opened his eyes yet. His hands were searching here and there trying to find something or more precisely someone. His brow furrowed when he find the place beside him empty which make him shot open his eyes. He sits up immediately and kolooks here and there. His heart was beating erratically. He saw the time in his phone which was showing 09:30am.

"He was here last night."

" How we sleeping with me"

" Where did he went?"

" Yoonie"

" Is it just a another dream of mine"


His thoughts were getting irrational he immediately steps down from his bed and runs to the bathroom and balcony to look for the latter and when he see that person was no where he sits with a thump on bed and buried his face in hands he was on the verge of crying but his eyes caught something on his nightstand.

He look at the letter and small paperweight was kept on top of it. He hurriedly takes it in his hand and started reading it.

You were sleeping so soundly and i didn't had the heart to wake you up my love. I've to leave early before everyone wakes up at home so I've to leave now but i swear I'll comeback to you baby.
Just wait for me and keep loving me that's all i need from you. You are all i need. So stay . Have believe in me. This phase will be over soon and we will be back together in each other's arms .
Till then goodbye my love.
Take care of yourself.
I love you.

Always yours

" I'll always wait for you my love....., I'll wait for you no matter how long you take you'll always found me here in this home waiting for you. Love you too. I love you so much." He said hugging the letter not caring to wipe his tears.

It was dawn when yoongi arrived at home and thankfully no one was awake as it was 05:45am. He slowly made his way to his room and drops himself on his bed. It was so hard for him to leave his lover who was sleeping so peacefully in his arms. He felt like a ruthless monster to remove that fragile arms away from him just to come here. He closed his eyes trying to sleep for sometime as he knows that today is indeed going to be long day for him.

But sleep didn't took over him as his mind was still lingering about a certain guy. He don't know what to do with. He obviously make jimin calm by telling him that he'll give divorce to jungkook after one year but how could he survive that one long year with jungkook and without jimin.

Away from his Minnie.

It'll be one hell of a ride which they had to go through to be together and happy in future. He knows it won't ended up good for him.

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