🍋(Original idea) Childhood friend x Male reader 🍋

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Hi guys, this is an idea that came to me while reading 'R-rated mangas' if you know what I mean.

Source of inspiration: 294817

I didn't know a 'manga' could make me feel, sad, while also being wholesome and happy at the same time.

Also this entire chapter is sort of one big lemon, I hope you enjoy and prepare your tissues.

You walked from your work to your apartment, like you did every day when you finished doing your job around 10 o'clock. Your job wasn't anything spectacular, you were just another office worker after all, but you liked the structure the work hours gave you, it payed rather well and your co-workers were nice to you, despite you only started this job a month ago. It was Friday late evening in the summer, at that time that the sun was warm, but not too hot and a slight comfortable breeze blew through your (H/C) (H/L) hair letting the sun's rays shine in your (E/C) eyes. The clouds were already turning into pink strings spread across the sky, the golden beams illuminating the world around you in all its glory. You liked this time of the year, as it's not hot and definitely not too cold. A car occasionally passed by and sometimes you crossed ways with a random pedestrian. On your way to your place there was a shopping centre that was normally teeming with people, but even that was mostly deserted that this point in time. The sun shone brightly on the plethora of different articles that was displayed in the windows. The sign of a shop emitted a weak light that was barely visible as it was still rather bright outside.

Amongst the few people that were still there - although almost all the shops were closed - was what you thought to be a familiar face, but you couldn't place it. She had back length brown hair and wore a black hoodie that seemed slightly too big for her, under that she wore dark blue hotpants and some sneakers. But the thing that worried you the most was the bandage that covered her entire left lower leg and the plaster that protruded from the brim of the hotpants. You had to get some last minute items to make a meal for yourself, as you haven't eaten yet, and thus went to the convenience store, that was coincidentally in the same direction of the young woman. You went into the store, bought the items and wanted to leave, but you bumped into someone. They fell backwards, but you prevented them from falling by grabbing onto their wrist and pulling them towards you, letting them regain their footing. Once you looked down you saw that the person you bumped into was the same young woman you saw that reminded you of someone. And reminding you of someone she did.

Her sapphire eyes stared right through yours and later her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized you. '(Y-Y/N)?' the girl said. 'Yo, Sarah. Long time no see,' you said. 'Now that I see you, I kinda have a question I want to ask you.' You were kind of suspicious as she would probably ask you for money or something, but what she actually asked you made you widen your eyes in surprise. 'Say (Y/N), can I crash at your place tonight?' 'Why though?' you asked her. 'Well, I kinda just got here and don't have a place to stay at yet,' the brown haired girl answered. 'Okay, but like, where's your stuff?' You asked another question. 'Can we talk about that, somewhere more private?' she inquired. 'Fine, we'll talk about it at my apartment,' you said and the two of you left the shopping mall.

When you were in your apartment and just put away the groceries, when you walked up to Sarah. 'So, will you expl...' you tried to say before Sarah slammed her lips onto yours and pushing you down onto the couch. One of her hands slithered down to your crotch and you widened your eyes in surprise. 'P-please (Y/N), help me forget about it, please?' She begged you and you stared into her teary eyes, only to see love and lust, but all of that was overshadowed by an enormous amount of pain. 'S-Sarah, where is this coming from?' you asked her, but instead of answering your question, she started taking off her hoodie and the sight before you absolutely baffled you and not in a good way. Her delicate body was littered with scars, bandages, plasters and other evidence of physical trauma. You pushed her gently off of you and asked with an undertone of anger: 'What happened to you, Sarah? Who did this to you?!' 'Eric did this to me, and some I-I inflicted upon myself,' she sniffed. 'Who's Eric and why do this to yourself? Why would you hurt yourself?!' 'Just after you moved away, my father caught my mother cheating on him with Eric, so they divorced. He wanted to take me with him, since he was the only one that would give a damn about me, but my mother wouldn't have it and filed a case, which she won. So I was forced to stay with her.' Her tears were streaming down her face at this point and didn't do anything to hide it, since she was saying this to you, her childhood friend who always was there for her, even when her mother was abusing her again, when the two of them were alone. But now with her father gone, the only one that held his wife's behavior in check, she was abused daily. 'And then Eric came to live with us. It was bearable at first, he joined my mother in hitting me and beating me up, but whenever we were alone, he would grab me by my hair and drag me to their room, where he'd trow me on the bed. He then joined me and ripped my clothes off my body t-to t-to...' Her voice broke just by the thought of it and you just silently embraced her, while tears started forming in your eyes as well. 'I-I'm sorry, Sarah. I'm so so sorry, for being such a bad friend. I should have been there for you. I'm so sorry,' you cried into her shoulder while she cried into yours. After a good 15 minutes you broke the hug and Sarah had a small smile on her face. 'You couldn't do anything about it,' Sarah strangely enough comforted you. She then continued to the most nauseating part of her story. 'And when my mother found out that Eric did this to me, she didn't even blame him! Instead she'd pin the blame on me, saying that I shouldn't have seduced him and that I was a disgrace of a daughter and a disgusting little slut,' she told you, crying again, bit this time into your chest. She then stood up and faced away from you. 'You probably think that I'm disgusting, right? You think my scars are ugly, don't you? I'm probably just a burden to anyone around me, including you, so I'll take my leave now,' she said silently and tried to leave, but you didn't let her. You grabbed her wrist - which was littered with scars - and pulled her towards you until her back was against your chest. You wrapped your arms around her small stature and rested your head on her left shoulder. 'Every word of what you just said was wrong,' you whispered in her ears. 'W-what?' Her eyes were becoming moist again. 'You're not disgusting. You're not ugly. And you're definitely not a burden to anyone and especially not to me,' you said, while still embracing her. 'Why? Why would you say such things to me?!' Sarah hid her face behind her hands, while tears were streaming down her face once again. 'I have three reasons as of why. Because you need to hear them and because they're true,' you simply said. 'And the third?' she asked. You let her go and turned her around. 'Because I love you,' you finally confessed your feelings to your best friend.

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