100 follower special: Oshi no Ko part 2

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As the hooded man left, Ruby and Aqua were left flabbergasted, agonized and most of all terrified of what had just happened. They'd discussed, came up with a plan and everything to make their father suffer the way he made their mother suffer before she died. However, none of their ideas came as close to this level of unbridled violence. What had just happened was beyond their wildest imagination, beyond their comprehension. Everything happened so suddenly they didn't know what to feel. And most of all: what did the man mean with our kids? Wasn't their father just brutally murdered in front of their eyes? Just who was that man?

'W-What just happened?' Ruby managed to bring out, completely shaken by the entire experience.

'I don't know,' Aqua answered his sister. 'But that man killed our dad.'

'You know, he's dead. We got what we always wanted, so why do I feel not satisfied at all?!' she basically screamed out loud, finally letting all the emotions that she felt during her father's death out. Fear, anger, regret. Fear, for they were too terrified by that newcomer to do anything. Anger, for they held Hikaru Kamiki responsible for Ai's murder. Regret, for he didn't die by their hands.

'I... don't know, but I think we'll get more answers if we get to talk to that man,' the blonde boy offered. 'I have a feeling that he knows more.'

And so they started their search for the hooded man. They tried to gather as much intelligence on him as possible by searching through social media, scouring news sites and Aqua went even as far as to employ a private investigator, which was quite expensive, but information always comes at a price. The clearer info you want, the more it's going to cost you. None of it was any good nor gave the twins any leads. Even worse, the detective never returned to them. Personally that was, however he did send them a letter with nothing more than an address and different dates, including the times they could be there. Nothing more, nothing less. No explanation, no elaboration whatsoever. Still, since it's their only clue they decided to follow that trail.

'Where are we going?' Ruby asked her brother as they sat in a taxi to their destination.

'To the address the private investigator I hired left behind,' Aqua sighed at the rather stupid question from his twin sister.

'I get that much, but what does it look like?' she retorted at the blonde boy.

'From what I have seen on the internet, it's just a traditional Japanese house,' he answered his pink eyed sister.

'Why do you think there were do many dates and times on the letter?'

'A schedule of that man would be my best guess. If not, then it's probably the time he is present at that address.'

'Could be. Have you figured out more about him?'

'I tried, still nothing. Which just means he is extremely cautious about his identity and presence.'

'Do you think he wants us dead?'

'No, otherwise he would have done so on that night. Also he wouldn't have said something about "protecting" us.'

'Yeah. What do you think that was about?'

'I don't know. That's one thing we would certainly ask him.'

'We're there,' said the taxi driver. 'I don't know what two celebrities like you would want at this place, but I'm not in any position to ask you.' He then completely switched to a professional tone. 'Anyway that would be 2000 yen.' Aqua payed him in cash and the twins left the car.

'I get that you payed in cash, as it's untraceable, but why?' Ruby thought aloud.

Her brother was always careful, sometimes extremely so. Other times he took gigantic risks, such as the time he openly exposed their relationship to Ai, the infamous idol who was tragically killed by an obsessive fan when he discovered that they were her kids. Or the time he wrote a malicious movie script together with the director that revolved around that in order to expose their father. Which frankly enough worked and lead to that night, now more than a month ago.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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