(Original Idea) Together (Mob boss' daughter x Male Reader)

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A/N: There's some Russian in this chapter (I just used Google Translate), but there's nothing really important that they say in Russian so if you don't know what it means, translate it yourself or ask. Anyway, enjoy!

The sergeant just got off the phone with his superiors and he wasn't particularly happy with the news he received. 'Alright everyone!' the sergeant said loudly, grabbing everyone's attention in the police station. 'Today is an ominous day.' Just as he said that one of the new rookies raised his hand. 'Yes, officer Rodriguez?' asked the serge. 'Why is it in ominous day, sir?' he asked.
'I was about to get to that, until you interrupted me with your question. There's nothing wrong with asking questions, but it would be preferable to let someone finish speaking before asking them.'
'Yes, sir. I apologize sir.'
'No need for apologies. As I was saying, today is an ominous day. Two years ago we finally got (Y/N) (L/N) in custody and now he's set free. Legally, I should remind you. He didn't escape. I trust everyone is familiar with this boy?'
Most people nodded, but a couple of new agents looked confused.
'As I see a couple of confused looks on the faces of our newest officers I'll explain quickly. (Y/N) (L/N), 16 when arrested, 19 nowadays, nicknamed "The Devil of Snezhnaya" and with good reason. Everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of death and destruction. The crime scenes he creates are so disturbing that even the most experienced officers needed therapy for months. Not only is he merciless and ruthless, but he's also incredibly smart and cunning. The bodies of his victims are mutilated beyond recognition and there are never any identification documents at the crime scene. Most of his victims are still unidentified to this day. Speaking of evidence at his crime scenes, he barely leaves anything by incinerating the entire scene, leaving nothing for us to find. The only thing we caught him for and lead to his prison sentence? Criminal possession of a pistol. On that is a minimum sentence of two years. So, if you see him on patrol, notify me and shadow him to see what he's up to. That's the briefing for today. You're dismissed!'

The prison doors opened and you walked out of the concrete box. It's been two years since you had been in the free world. Not that your time in prison was particularly bad or anything. Barely anyone tried to get on your bad side, due to your rep. Not in jail and definitely not in youth detention. It felt great being set finally free on your nineteenth birthday. You met the sun with a smirk on your face, while still wearing your prisoner's overall. Prisoner's clothes were automatically destroyed once they entered the facility.

As the prison's doors closed behind you, everyone inside sighed out of relief. Although you were considered the most violent person in the city, you didn't use it unless provoked or were ordered to by the boss. However, some fellow prisoners thought you were all bark and no bite despite your reputation and decided to put it to the test. They were all or in the ER on life support or six feet under. After that even the most intimidating inmates chose to leave you alone. Due to the fact that you could take on even the toughest of inmates, despite you not being the biggest, you gained the name "The Honey Badger". Of course those actions landed you in and out solidarity confinement. The total time spend in there could be counted up to two months. It was a punishment that made even the toughest of criminals think twice before acting up, but somehow it didn't affect you in the slightest. On the contrary, it was a nice break of those mouth breathing neckbeards.

As you finally stood outside my, you saw your ride approaching: a black UAZ Patriot, the iconic enforcement car of the Snezhnaya family. The driver rolled down the window and signalled for you to get in, which you did. 'Это было долго,' said the driver greeted you. 'Это, безусловно, имеет,' you answered back. 'To home?' he asked with a heavy Russian accent. 'Yep,' you said and the two of you drove off. 'How have you been, Vlad?' You decided to strike up a conversation with your old friend.
'A couple of street gangs have risen up, thinking they can take over our turf,' he told you. 'We need you back, you know.'
'So, a clean up job as usual I presume?'
'Yes, but first let's get you some clothes. We're back, добро пожаловать домой брат,' Vladimir said as you crossed the gate to the estate.

One shot book (Male reader x Various) Where stories live. Discover now