Amber x Male Reader

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You stealthily approached the Hilichurl camp in front of you with your hand on the hilt of your longsword and observed it quietly. Two towers with crossbow wielding monsters, one had a cryo attribute and the other electro. A very haphazardly built wooden wall that would be easy to burn down with pyro, but unfortunately you were visionless, unlike someone you knew very well. The entrance was guarded by a couple of the masked creatures armed with a club and shield, their quality wasn't great, so you could easily smash through them. What worried you the most were the large silhouettes inside the camp, definitely Mitachurls, two of them. Of course there were 10 or so more Hilichurls in the camp itself. It wasn't something you couldn't handle, but a sneaky approach was off the table as you would get spotted anyway. Hilichurls weren't the brightest of the bunch, but they're not stupid either.

As soon as you stepped out of cover the archers spotted you and fired electro and cryo infused arrows at you. You easily dodged them and ran at the gate, from which the entire camp came. You unsheathed your sword and cut down on the first one, its shield split as soon as your blade made contact and you dismembered his arm. You then swung back and finished him off with the false edge. One down. The second swung his bat, which you blocked and pushed away. Then you rose your sword above your head and let it fall onto the monster, splitting its mask and head. Another came from behind you with a swing and you rolled away to avoid it. You then used the momentum to turn your body to the left and gutted the bastard. Then you suddenly felt a boulder hit your chest as a Mitachurl bashed its shoulder into you. You flew through the air and landed on the ground, knocking your lungs empty. 'Fuck!' you grunted. The huge opponent prepared to swing its giant axe at you when you suddenly heard a voice say: 'Stay away from him!'




The recognizable sounds of an arrow being fired and hitting home reached your ears followed by a pained grunt from the Mitachurl. You see your opportunity as you rose to your feet, gripped your sword tightly and ran to its right side. Once there you swung to your right and hit his back of the knee. You felt your blade cutting through his tendons, forcing it to kneel and you thrusted your sword straight through its chest once it did so. One big guy down. But the fight wasn't over yet.

A few arrows whizzed past you from the newcomer, headshotting the archers, stopping that threat. Meanwhile, you swung, parried, blocked and thrusted, making Hilichurl after Hilichurl fall. You parried another swing and slammed the pommel in its face and prepared to finish it off when you saw another one attacking you from behind. Your eyes widened and awaited for the hit.




And the Hilichurl behind you was pierced by an arrow infused with pyro, as its dead body caught fire. You quickly thrusted your sword forward, piercing the heart of the masked monster you were dealing with in the first place, killing the last one. 'Thanks!' you yelled over your shoulder.
'You're welcome!' they replied.
Then the last Mitachurl came out, wielding a big geo shield.
'That's gonna be a bit of a problem,' you said, as neither of you had any weapons with you that could do blunt damage. It directly ran at you with its shield in front of it and you rolled to the side to dodge its attack. The end left it a bit open, allowing the newcomer to fire a pyro infused arrow in its face, greatly confusing and bothering it. You used this time to get behind him and cut the tendons in its knee and stabbing him through the chest. It was the same method you used for the other one, but it works, so why not?

You cleaned your sword of their blood with a piece of cloth that they dropped and put it back in its scabbard. You then turned to the archer that helped you out.

One shot book (Male reader x Various) Where stories live. Discover now