healing wounds

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uhhh yeah the last chapter has evolved in to two chapters. (little secret: i still don't know how to end this story, should i leave it unfinished just out of spite :D) 

 mentions of wounds and flesh healing 

Grian's pov: 

I lay awake for the rest of the night my unbandaged eye was twitching like crazy and just wouldn't stop I was quite pissed with my entire condition but this was just the cherry on top.  Oh I couldn't wait to stand up and walk around. 

I jumped a bit as Scar suddenly sat up and rubbed his head mumbling about something in the process. He looked around, rubbing his eyes and blinking. Then he turned around and stared at me "GRIAN!" he energetically shouted and jumped up. He then ran over to me and carefully wrapped his arms around my body trying not to hurt me in any way. I hugged him back and we just stayed like that for a few minutes enjoying each others company. Scar stood and moved to the end of the bed then looked at me. 

He stared at me for a second then basically screamed "OMG GRIAN DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Bdubs obviously heard him and shouted back "Wait grian awake! I am coming up!" Then I heard quick footsteps and we saw a very happy Bdubs appeared in the stair way panting a bit. His face lit up with a big smile and he rushed over pausing for a second then hugged me. 

I smiled and hugged him back. Everything was good again, the shone through the windows my friends were ok and I would be ok soon to. 

Doc came over later with a healing potion he had been working on. He had said it would make the process very quick (meaning a few hours) but it would take a few days for my body to regain the energy that went towards instant healing. Scar had left the room with bdubs while doc unbandaged my many wounds and pored the potion over them. the flesh shimmered and twisted slowly healing itself. I had watched doc apply the potion to all my wounds before I fell asleep. 

Scar's pov:

I had left bdub's house and went home an hour later. Jellie was eagerly awaiting my return and the second i got to my base she pounced in to my arms. Jellie nestled in my arms I walked around my base checking up on stuff around and about.

Grian was out for a few days just like doc had said, I had been occupying myself with messing pearl and didn't really register how many days went by when suddenly one rainy afternoon I heard my com device ping in my pocket.   

I looked at the message that popped up on my private chat screen. Grian: :), I jumped up and looked up to the sky expecting to see multicolored wings emerging through the rain. A few seconds later I was not disappointed at all, the short man dove towards the ground and landed perfectly. I ran up to my short friend and grabbed him in a tight hug lifting him off the ground slightly. He laughed and hugged me back, we could of stayed in that moment for all eternity simply being friends. (still no shipping folks) The rain clung to his hair and dripped down on to his slightly damaged jumper, he obviously hadn't changed yet. I then decided that the rain was to cold and picked the short man up. He wiggled and screamed but he was to weak compared to me and I carried him under the dirt platform and dropped him on the the dirt. 

He looked up at me crossed his arms and stuck his toue out. I laughed at him and he smiled for a second but still pulled a pouty face and acted like a child. Jellie noticed him and launched herself at his lap, Grian instantly forgot his stubbornness in favor of the adorable fluff ball now curled up in his lap. His eyes literally sparkled as he pet jellie. She purred in response adding a awwwwww out of grian. I walked over and attempted to get my cat back but grian and jellie hissed at me. God grian really was a five year old.

He left a few minuities later when the rain stopped resulting in a very sad but satisficed jellie cat. 

Grian's pov:

I had waited for the rain to stop before flying back to my starter base. The flight was short and surprisingly relaxing. I trusted my abilities enough plus I had fallen before that wasn't the first time I had always respawned or healed after a simple potion.  I landed on the grass outside before walking up to my house and opening the door. The familiar smell hit my face as i stepped in, it was a mix of flowers and old books but it had undertones of salmon from when pearl had put salmon heads all over it in revenge and the redstone smell that seemed to cling to mumbo at all times. Most people would probably find it quite weird but I had gotten used to it. The first thing I did was light the fire and put on a kettle for tea. 

 I then had a quick shower and changed into a new red jumper, Scar said they looked exactly the same but they weren't this one had a different style of knitting around the top and it was deffinatly my favorite. The kettle screamed from in the kitchen and I made myself a cup of tea before grabbing a nice book and sitting down to read. 

I didn't realize the time but when I got up again the rain had stopped and the sunset shone through the clouds  the sky was a dull grey colour but the sun peeked through and illuminated some of the clouds orange and other vibrant colors. I took a deep  breath, it was all calm and peaceful again maybe the storm was finally over or maybe it was just beginning.   

notes: happy noises that chapter took me so long. idk why but it is done now 

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