
124 6 14

hi hello, how are you today? 

fun fact about this au: there are respawn messages, like ----grian died----

----grian respawned at (respawn cords)----

for pranking reasons (defiantly not because i wanted a dramatic starting line)

you get the idea? cool

triggers: Disintegrating of body 

probably something else 

no ones pov: 

The respawn message never came. 

The body had disintegrated but scar didn't respawn he just simply stopped existing. 

this certainly wasn't good. 

grian's heart had stopped. 

nothing  moved. Even the purple mass paused.

Just for one single heartbeat the world stopped. 

Then it came crashing back to life. 

Xisuma's pov: 

(oooh wow xisuma) 

My head had paused, I felt weird.

I knew something bad was happening being the admin just gave you these senses. 

It was very early in the morning but I hadn't fallen asleep yet. My gut just told me to stay awake. 

Scar's party had been fun everything had felt easy a few hours ago but now. 

Nothing felt easy right now, my breathing felt slow and painful, my heart beat had dulled and my thoughts felt like mush. 

The universe seemed to pause while the message appeared. 

----Goodtimeswithscar was killed by Grian----

Suddenly everything felt to loud, to heavy. 

I panicked no respawn message means no scar.  No. The server must be broken.

Flicking open my server device I scanned the respawn settings.  

The respawn message wasn't broken but something defiantly was. 

The very nature of the respawns felt broken. 

The fear set in. 

Grian had perma killed Scar. That wasn't supposed to happen, respawns were infinite here.

vile rose up in my throat. 

I had let this happen. I was the admin. I was supposed to keep the server safe. 

----###### joined the game---- 

SHIT this was really fucking bad. 

All the alarm bells in my brain were going off right now. 

Scar was permanently dead and an unknown force had joined the server. 

My legs slowly crumpled and I slid towards the floor.

All I could hear was my uneven breath. 

I was panicking. 

Some small part of my brain told me I could deal with this but it was quickly silenced as the deep hole in my brain opened up. 

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