pretending to be you

38 1 7

Um so apparently i lied and i didn't update last week or the next week orr the next week lol sorry but heres a new universe

(Kinda beta read but not really)

He woke up with a head ache, the sharp sunlight filtered through the shitty curtains that blocked the outside world from the old room

The chair he had apparently fell asleep in was pushed up to a small flimsey wooden desk, said desk was covered in various papers and a laptop for some reason he couldn't remember what he was doing last night or for that matter where he was or what this life was supposed to be but for some reason he simply knew he was supposed to be here so no panic managed to worm its way into his blood

To be fair despite his complete confusion he felt in all honesty perfectly calm maybe a little apathetic and weirdly sad but in total calm

Slowly he pushed himself up from the chair, survaving the room as he did

There was a bed, that bed definitely belonged to him he knew that looking at it simply felt familiar like a heavy case of duea jav vu. (I DON'T FUCKING KNOW HOW TO SPELL THAT SORRY) there was a wardrobe, he went to investgate 

A mirror sat inside of the door, he looked at his reflection.

Simple dark browny blond hair and light brown eyes hidden by locks of hair and shadowed by heavy bags of dark purple. Simple ok he could work with that slowly he looked throught the clothes and other personal items.

Things came back to him as he did one particular photo for some reason brought back a lot, he knew those people one had a scar that criss crossed across his face and was in a wheel chair  and the other had a mustace, If only he could remember their names but he deffinatly knew them infact his heart seemed to warm looking at the photo so maybe they were friends. 

He closed the wardrobe again insted walking back over the the desks and filtering through the papers they seemed to be a essay and the rescherch for it, finally he found a sheet that showed all the infomation about this said essay.

He read through it. -Grian- it said, was that his name?
It felt right so he assumed it was his name, as he read over the sheet more memories came back to him. This was a mid year essay for his politics study in universtiy he was writing an essay about the apparent political effects of a religous cult that called themselves the watchers.

Slowly he rumaged through the desk taking in every possible detail, he found another started uni assessment this one for english. More things came back he went to HC university, he lived in a shitty aparment in the middle of the city of hermitcraft. 

His name was Grian and he guessed he was a uni student, hopefully he was a good student.

Eventually he exited the room exploring the rest of the aparment, it really was a simple aparment the only other rooms were a kitchen cross living room and a bathroom.

He entered the kitchen running his hands along the counter tops in curiostity then he fiddled with the tap until a stream of water ran out. He stuck his hands under it. 

Leaving the tap on he stepped towards the fridge, multiple bills and photos lined the front one in particular caught his eye 


He seemed to panic before turning off the tap again, his body working on a weird instint insted of thought. 

It was certinally a weird situation in a whole, somehow he knew he was supposed to be here and was familiar with the enviroment but he couldn't seem to remeber where he was or why he was here. 

Finally he opened the fridge examining the contents, it held basic fridge contents: Milk, eggs, butter, fruit and vegetables along with sauces and spreads of various kinds. 

He shut the fridge door examining the photos and papers on the door. There was a photo with the same two people on it as before, he pulled it off the fridge and flipped it over. There were names on the back. 

Mumbo and Scar, he assumed they were the people in the photo. He flipped it back over examining the photo closely, something flicked in his brain. Right this was Mumbo and Scar his friends, a wave of memories hit him like a tidal wave. 

Every memorible moment with the two of them chrashed through his skull seemingly settling into a slot, filling another gap where his memorys should be. 

He honestly felt like he was playing a video game for the first time, not sure what to do, not sure how to proceed but just investagting everything regardless. 

Slowly he moved his way around the house taking in every possible detail and collecting peices of memory, slowly becoming the person he was to be.

The apartment turned out to be hardly decorated and didn't feel at all homey so part of him despised the lack of rustic cottage vibes in here, he wasn't sure why.
(If anyone gets that reference I will marry you)

He moved back to the kitchen and started doing the things one might expect one to do in the morning because he felt like he needed to like there was somewhere he needed to be.

This included clumsily grabbing a pan and putting it over the flame and after serching multiple cubards. Adding oil to that pan to heat up then going to find eggs, after dropping one or two eggs on the floor one eventually ended up in the pan, next came a peice of bacon and he let them cook occasionally flipping the bacon.

He made tea, that was easy the kettle was right there and tea bags were right next to it. and turned off the stove top adding the food to the first non dirty plate he could find, this turned out to be a reasonably hard task as most of the plates seemed to be piled up in the sink.

He ate sitting at the small island in the middle of the kitchen, it was weirdly lonely sitting there alone no noise except the scrape of cutrely on a plate. He found himself humming an unnameable tune slowly tapping his fingers along to the beat, like someone who knew the song off by heart but he didn't know it at all.

He put the plate and cup in the sink adding to the pile, walking away before even thinking about cleaning them.

He walked back into the bedroom and for lack of anything better to do fell onto his bed and stared out the now open window.

The view really was sad and bleak, all you could see was more sad looking apartment blocks and beyond that small houses and more apartments.

As he started aimesly his vision began to swim and morph, weird things seemed to happen on the horizon, his face in the glass spun in weird ways, he shut his eyes. Colours danced behind them, changing into a parade of little critters crawling across his eyes.

Turning over he shoved his face in the pillow attempting to dull the pounding pain in his head.

Has that ever happened to you where it feels like your dreaming but your wide awake and it's weird, honestly it's a fun yet annoying state to be in cause you think you've done things (like get up) but really you haven't
PS: I'll try and update more regularly The key word is try :p

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