chapter 1

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just jumping roof to roof keeping an eye on whats going around me , standing on one of the rooftops mindin' mah business till....

"lovely night isn't it?"

i turn around to see number 3 hero phantom standing behind me with his stupid phantom wings raised at me....

"yeah, but sad that you're here so i have to run now"

"you don't need to"

"and why is that , I'm a vigilant you're a hero, we're enemies"

"but you're surounded phoenix"

with that i saw Smile behind me , flame on my left with 404, blade on the right and Corvine above me and phantom infront of me ....

why did they brought a whole gang just to take down a child!?

"look buddies... we c-can t-ta-talk about this right?"

"games over Phoenix, there's no where to go"

the crow avian says to me, well fuck...
my wings started to puff up and i raised them at phantom who's wings were slightly shorter than mine, lol

they all were steady and then i felt someone grab me from behind, it was Smile and then two others held my wings tight!

"ow, ow ,ow! don't touch the wings they're sensitive you bitchs"

but they didn't listen, the rest started to approach me and handcuffed me they were now taking me with them till a smoke bomb came out of nowhere and


we were all coughing and everything just went black from there and i saw some heroes fall down to while i fell down aswell,

"hey, hey! are you ok!?"

someone unfamiliar asked me . i sat up and saw a blurry figure beside me , my vision cleared in some seconds and saw the the vigilant resume

"i- yeah , I'm fine"

Resume was one of the most wanted vigilants like me , he barely ever spotted when doing vigilant work because of his stealthiness, his power was to resume time,

i never really talked to Resume, except when he first helped me escape from Corvine when i went on my first patrol ,

"i think you should go now phoenix or i could take you to wherever you live?"

he asked

" no , i think i can go myself, thanks for the help tho"

"no problem"

he said as he then disappeared into the night
, i stood up and went into an empty alleyway and changed intoy civilian cloths and went home.

next day i woke up to shouting.... again, it was tubbo,

"why is there spaghetti in the pancakes!?"

"it's good right!"

"what! no! who puts spaghetti in pancakes!?"

oh God....
ignored them and ate some cereal and went to change. i wore a blue hoodie with black jeans and sneakers and took put on my headphones to which i listened to music as i went to work at Niki's cafe

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