chapter 3

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tommy pov

when we pulled back i saw deo become all red, i just laughed and we enjoyed the rest of the night .
deo dropped us all off to our apartment and went off from there and thats when the drama comes in

"when were you thinking of telling us tommy?"
tubbo asks hands crossed and staring at me

"uh- i don't know, when were you two thinking of telling me?"

"umm-tom we were gonna tell you-"

"honestly forget it, i didn't tell you , you didn't tell me, equal!"


"imma go to bed now, bye!"

tubbo pov

uh- okaaaaaay? well today was a fun and surprising day, I'm also going to bed now
i pulled ranboo by the arm and we both went to bed . me and ranboo shared a double bed while tommy had a singlebed, tommy didn't like being touched by anyone so he didn't cuddled up with us.

next morning

i woke up earlier than the others so which meant i was making breakfast .

with the SBI

tecno pov

'that boy, tommy... he really reminds me of our Tommy...' i was drowning in thoughts when someone jumped on next to me on the couch

"you still thinking about it tecno?"

"how could I not? we should really tell phil wilbur"

"tell me what?"
phil came from behind , me and wil both got startled a bit by the sudden appearance of Philza Fucking Minecraft .

i sighed and gestured phil to sit on the couch, he understood and sat down , he looked worried and curious

"phil- w-we were at erets yesterday and , and there we met a boy..."

"what with the boy? you got a crush?"
he said with a smirk as

"HEH!? no! he deo's boyfriend! and what i was saying is-"
i was rudely interrupted by wilbur fucking soot Minecraft

"the boy we met looked like tommy! our brother tommy! he had the same golden blond hair, the same Ice blue eyes! , had similar wings except darker! phil all his features were like our Tommy's! i could sense a connection!!!"

phil pov

my expressions dropped, my youngest son? he had been found? but! I can't be sure! he might just be someone else!

"boys, i don't know what you do but get a hair, blood, feather or watever, and bring it to me.."

wilbur pov

i guess phil is also feeling something, but how are we supposed to get a hair, feather or watever of his? phil got up and turned to leave for the door, oh yeah.... our hero work... phil went an hour earlier than us for some reason today. i looked at tecno who looked at me back .

"what are we gonna do?"

"i don't know, do what phil said?"


"kidnap him?"


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