chapter 8

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Phoenix's eyes widened.. realizing the truth that ruined a big part of his..

he betrayed Deo.. he betrayed his saviour.. the one who stuck by his side, the one who made sure he was safe, the one who helped him realize his gift as a phoenix.. he felt horrible..

something changed in him that second as he realised another mistake...

"I'm sorry Deo..."

he wasn't broken... not till he reveals truth to power. He was controlled.. something that had been bothering him.. time to go..

Phoenix's wings spread and he was in the air leaving the ground and his past.. something bothering him was all along not a matter to not worry about.. his life depended on it this time..

Phoenix was in search of Resume..

he found the older in an hour or so.. he felt weak just looking at him now.. but he had to do it.. it was either freedom or being controlled forever then longer...

he landed behind Resume.. just as he did the other had already turned to him and was looking at him.. a shiver went down his spine...

"we need to talk.."

"indeed we do.."

Phoenix sighed and took off his mask, Resume only had sunglasses for a mask, resume for sure wasn't happy at the sight of the other avian...

"you were doing something all along weren't you?"

"i wasn't.. but you were.."

both the boys were taken back a bit from  each other's blame.. Resume wasn't giving in as easily as the other though..

"i- i was..?"

"now don't hide it sweetheart, i have backup if you deny the statement i will give now.."

"But i did nothin-!"

"you were at the rink.. weren't you?"

Resume spoke with venom but his expressions stayed calm to nothing as he took a step towards the other..

"with one of the greatest hero to ever lived?"

another step forward

"danced together"

step forward

"almost kissed him"


"don't deny, you little whore"

forward. Tommy was scared.. stumbling back at every step Deo took coming closer to the younger boy...

"I'm no whore.. you're wrong, you're wrong!"

"oh but I'm not, i saw it. i know it.. we know it.."


"yes.. we sweetheart.."

suddenly three figures walked out the shadows and it took tommy by shock at the sight..

"we've decided.. you don't belong out here.. you're to fragile.. even a weak woman can survive out here.."

Tommy lunged at Deo as they broke into a fight..


tommy yelled, as he punched the older earning a kick that sent him crashing to the floor

"you are.."


he got back up and tried to punch Deo hard in the face.. only for Deo to grab his hand and twist it

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