chapter 7

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deo woke up, quickly taking in his surroundings he realised he was captured.. of course he was!

deo was in a cell.. it had white walls and one glass wall , he could see another cell Infront of him, and there was none other than jester...

deo realized his hand were in netherite cuffs that kept him from using his powers and chained to the center of the room..

his wings weren't in binds... lol these idiots are so dumb. anyways he realised they hadn't taken off my mask aswell. THANK FUCK!

just then he felt a presence of someone else, he turned to see none other than the blade himself..



"why am i here?"

"you know the answer and by the way, how do you keep in check the other phoenix avian? whatever his name is, phantom let him go because of how kicky he was being"

"i don't, i let him do whatever he wants actually.."

"oh.. you wanna like escape?"

deo wasn't surprised, the blade was known for his reputation of being fierce, and letting vigilants escape, deo has been in the same situation before lol

"yeah, i got a bitch to take care of anyway"

without hesitation techno unlocked the cuffs and deo was free! techno and him talked about shit as they sneaked about the place and finally getting to the door.

"bro you have been captured 23 times yet you still haven't let me see your face"

"you helped me escape 23 times yet you still haven't showed me your face, although i do know your face anyway"

"you do?"

"bitch how come you haven't recognised my wings yet?"


"for fucks sake, it's me! deo!"



"so phoenix is Tommy"

"yes, was it that hard?"


"wanna go get coffee or something?"

"sureeeee, i need to talk to Tommy anyway"

the two went to go and get coffee and picked tommy up on the way, thus was gonna be awkwardddddd.

"deo.. why is he here...?"
tommy spoke furiously yet calmly

"sup lil bro, phoenix.."
techno spoke in his normal techno-y monotone voice.

"c'mon now! techno ain't that bad! he helped me escape!"
deo told Tommy clearly trying to look big (he already was) to the blond who just gave him the "seriously" face.

after that weird interaction they all went to a coffee shop, ordered then sat down and got lost in their conversation. things were still a bit awkward between the brothers. Deo did help making things less awkward with his weird talk though.

"tommy are you upset with me..?"
techno asked with guilt.

"I don't know.. i guess with Phil and Wilbur but you've never been bad towards me.. but you didn't help me out when i was with you three.."

techno wasn't happy about that either, he hated himself for it. he tried not to make direct eye contact yet..

"I'm really sorry about that.. i wanted to help but something just stopped me everytime.."

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