chapter 6

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"you're coming home with us Theseus"

"let me fucking go!"

Tommy tried to get out of his grip, suddenly the door flew open and someone came running towards them. Wilbur's grip was quickly broken by the person who entered earlier.

"What the fuck were you doing with him?!"

Deo was mad, he stepped in front of the blond as he pushed wilbur away.

"You have no idea what is going on Deo!"
wilbur argued

"I suggest you stay out of it Deo"
Techno spoke from the back.

just then Eret entered, he looked at the three adults then the two youngers.

"we need to talk"

he says as he looked back at the 3 adults. he turned around and left the room with the other three following behind him.

_Eret pov_

"you three can't just do that to him!"
i yelled

"Eret please, let us explain!"
Phil spoke

i sighed and nodded, i wanted to understand the situation before judging them, ph sighed and looked at me.

"eret, tommy isn't really who you think he is, even he doesn't know who he really is.."

"what do you mean...?"

"he's our Theseus... we took the dna tests, unlike tommy, you're there to guide Deo with his powers of being a golden phoenix, but tommy is going to loose control if not guided.. you know that!"

"Phil *sighs* i don't- tommy is moving in with us, he and deo decided to live together, why don't you try and talk to him first? and not rush things?"

"i guess.. but- make sure he and deo don't- you know!"

i smirked, yeah you don't need to know.

"yeah yeah, i won't let them, so let's meet at the HQ tomorrow"

"mhm, bye mate"

_Tommy pov_

"they know Deo..."

"it's ok.. they won't get you sunshine"
deo hugged me

_with beeduo_


"yes bee?"

"would i ever be as good as him?"

ranboo sighed, he knew what tubbo meant, he knew his answer for his question is going to disappoint the shorter. But being the truthful person he is he answer..

"tubbo... You indeed can't be as good as him, tommy chose him fir a reason and they are perfect together, the same way we are perfect for each other, remember how tommy felt when he got to know?"

"yeah i guess you're right, i guess the two are lucky to have each other for anither reason"

"and what would that be?"

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