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tommyinnit: 18
power: night fire phoenix avian/flexibility
vigilante name: phoenix

power definition:
has giant blood red wings with black ends that could poison anyone to death if stabbed by the feathers , feathers can become from soft and fluffy to poisonous and sharp knifes like. and has like amazing flexibility!

timedeo: 21
power: gold fire phoenix avian/resuming
vigilante name: Resume

power definition:
has giant orange wings with golden edges that could heal terrible wounds with just a touch or could turn into a giant undestructible sheild. and can also resume time. (rare)

purpled: 20
power: telekinesis/alien hybrid
villian name: ametheust

power definition:
can float things with his hand, his alien features allow him to be immune to some poisonous things and is immune to fire.


tubbo: 19
power: nukes/bee hybrid
vigilante name: nuke

power definition:
can create powerful explosions with a snap of his fingers but it can cause him severe injuries and with his bee features he has bee wings that allow him to float around but doesn't give him speed like avian wings.

ranboo: 20
power: enderman hybrid
vigilante name: ender

power definition:
can teleport long distances but is burned by water, can also jump really high .

eryn: 18
power: demon hybrid
villian name: sindris

power definition:
can get into anyones head like voices but worse, and take over any others body .

dream: 23
power: dreamon
hero name: smile

power definition:
can control light , has green laser beams, manipulation and is a great fighter.(OP)

tecnoblade: 23
power: piglin hybrid/super strength
hero name: The Blade

power definition:
can survive the deadliest fires, highest falls ,
has super speed and agility, jump boost, his piglin features allow him to have thick skin that block deep injuries.(OP)

wilbur: 23
power: phantom hybrid/mind control
hero name: phantom

power definition:
can control someones mind for 5 to 10 minutes, his phantom features allow him to go through walls, has deep blue phantom wings that can get him to fly , but can only fly when the sun is down.

philza: 38
power: avian crow hybrid/super speed
hero name: Corvine

power definition:
has giant deep black crow wings that get him to fly , feathers can turn into daggers and super speed.

niki: 22
power: water / fish hybrid
villian name: nihachu

power definition:
can control water with her hands, her fish features allow her to turn into a mermaid whenever she wants .

jack: 22
power: blaze hybrid
villian name: blaze

power definition:
can control fire, honestly not that epic

sapnap: 22
power: fire master/demon hybrid
heto name: flame

power definition:
can make extreme fire balls and is immune to all fire, when his demon takes over his fire turns to soul fire which is 4 times more deadlier than normal fire .

George: 24
power: mushroom hybrid/sleeping touch
hero name: 404

power definition:
can grow mushrooms where ever he wants, how big or how small, his choice, just with a touch. his power also allows him to make anyone fall asleep just with a touch.

quackity: 20
power: shape shifter
villian name: jester

power definition:
can turn into anyone or anything thing he wants and can control physical powers of the person he takes form of.

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