chapter 5

324 11 74

tommy pov

i took the elevator downstairs and upon going down someone joined me, The Blade.
he stood there intimidatingly, not moving, emotionless. i felt unsafe and panicky around him, i could feel him stare at me, i try not to look at him way, when the door opened i heard a little click. it was too small so i just ignored it and went outside to where i saw a tall bitch waiting by a tesla , he smiled at me when i came in his view. i walked closer to him and before i could react, he gave me a quick kiss.

"did you miss me that much?"
i questioned as he opened the car door for me to get in

"pshh! no i didn't, i was uh- happy for you!"
deo replied.

"sure deo"
i said as he closed the door behind me

deo replied as he got in the car and we drove away. when we were on the road deo asked me something..



"have you ever thought of moving in with me?"
he asked, now that i think about it, me, tubbo and ranboo living in an old small apartment was getting really packed now, tubbo and ranboo had even adopted a child now named
Michael. and i also wanted to be with deo anyways.

"i have, why?"
i replied hesitantly

"tommy, i was thinking if you could like move in with me? i got a ton of space at my mansion , sooo"
he was nervous, did he think I was gonna reject the offer that could let me stay by my love all the time?

"i would if i get to be near you!"
his face lit up, we were still on the road and we almost crashed into a street light.

"is that a yes!?"
he said joyfully

"yes by me, but i gotta get tubbo's permission aswell"
tubbo would kill me if i didn't tell him this!
I'm not a fan of early death ok!?

(your writer is)

after deo dropped me off to my house/apartment whatever, i waved goodbye and went inside. tubbo and ranboo were waiting for me on the couch...

"hey tubzo...!"
i said looking nervous! why do i feel like he knows something? hehe something bad about to happen to me...

"Thomas Minecraft Underscore"

yup something's not right, what did i do!? I've been soo careful! well might as well just accept my fate cuz there's just no going back now...

"do you have something to tell us?"
tubbo asked looking upset and a bit angry....

i sighed and spit it out and told him

"yes! fine! i gave Micheal 10 chocolate bars! an i hid the dishes when you asked me to do the dishes cuz i didn't wanna do them! and fine i want to move in with DEO! i accept my fate ok?"
i said all in one breath

tubbo and ranboo looked confused and stunned at the same time... did i say to much?

_tubbo pov_

What the fuck....? i-i didn't even know he did all that... i knew about the dishes but what...?
i-i what!?

"you gave Micheal 10 chocolate bars!?"
i yelled! why wouldn't i!?

"you want to move in with Deo!?"
ranboo asked right after

"tommy how long have you even known him for?"
i asked a bit sad , i didn't want him to go honestly,

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