The last trip

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1990, January

The years rolled by and my studies were coming to an end. I graduated with flying colors, being not only extraordinary gifted with being able to brew potions but also possesing an extraordinary knowledge. I gathered my experiences over many centuries - but of course I never stayed longer than 24 hours. 

You know, you don't build relationships with people within 24 hours. You don't find any friends, no confidants to tell your story to. It just keeps you from doing stupid things. Never again did I find myself in such a tricky situation as on the day of the carriage accident. Never again did I have to grapple with the question of whether to help or look away. Never again did I have a guilty conscience after one of my trips.

I didn't know yet what the next few years would bring but my constant travels through time must soon come to an end. My hobby was too risky for someone who would soon have a permanent job at a wizarding school. In a few months I would be accepting my position as an assistant of the potions master at Hogwarts, the British school of witchcraft and wizardry. I couldn't afford to make a mistake, the ministry of magic would soon find out and I could clearly forget about my job at this prestigious school. The position was limited to 1 year with the prospect of a permanent position thereafter. Teaching at Hogwarts, living there, imparting knowledge to the students... oh yes, I liked that idea.

But an assistant or teacher who traveled through time? No, that just couldn't be. It would be noticed if I was absent all the time. During my studies, acquaintances often asked me where I spent the weekends at and I lied about it of course. I made up sick grandmothers, distant relatives I had to visit, temp jobs and muggle friends just to avoid interrogations by fellow students. And now there was an instructor waiting for me. And lots of colleagues... and for what I heard a rather inquisitive headmaster too.

How should I explain my constant absences on the weekends? I couldn't and didn't want to tell anyone about my activities. It would only lead to inconvenience. Also, I shouldn't forget that I did... well... steal... that necklace. Someone would definitely miss it - for years now. A theft wouldn't look so good on my impeccable resume.

Then, on January 15 in 1990, I made a final decision. My las time travel would be today. For years everything went quite smoothly, there were no incidents at all and that's how it should be and end today. I wanted to enjoy my last trip, nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing dangerous. Nothing exotic. I looked back at my notes I'd been making over the past few years. I had seen many countries and ages but the 20th century was still my favourite.

I made the decision quite spontaneously and decided to let fashion affect me, to have a nice day in an exciting shopping street, to watch people and maybe have a cup of tea or two... Harmless fun, I thought. Almost boring for most people. For me, however, it was a relaxed ending to a long-standing hobby, a big part of my life, that couldn't have been more exciting. Exciting and dangerous.

It was supposed to be a beautiful day without anything special happening, without any incidents. The day shouldn't be marked by political unrest or any kind of excitement, it should be boring, ordinary and calm. And the place? Well, what could be more obvious than England?

I chose Diagon Alley. I've heard about this place many times, where wizards and witches from all over the UK get their magical paraphernalia and almost every child buys their first wand.

A fitting place for a final journey through time. I would be visiting Diagon Alley in just a few months anyway, so it made sense to stop by a few decades in advance, right?

I imagined myself strolling down the shopping street, strolling through shops, buying something here and there, eavesdropping a little on a few conversations, enjoying a hot chocolate, listening to good music in the bars... Awww, it was going to be just perfect!

The day? January 15th, 1961. A good day for his final time travel, I thought.

I dressed appropriately, put my hair up and some subtle make-up on. Red lipstick? Oh yes, very chic in the 60s! I looked at myself in the mirror and grinned, if I had a grandmother this is what she would have looked like in her twenties. A heavy coat with a fur collar completed my outfit. Merlin, no one would notice that I wasn't from that era...

I was a bit excited, after all it would be the last time I do it. Merlin, how I will miss that! My usual ritual before any time travel was a last look in my bag. Enough change? Yes. Apparation points noted? Yep. Little cheat sheet who is wearing the crown right now? Duh. Wand? Check. Fine, let's get it started then. Sixties, here I come!

I twisted the rings on my pendant as usual and closed my eyes as I fell through time and space. When the familiar process was over, I opened my eyes again. I looked around for a moment, there was nobody to be seen. I was in someone else's apartment. In almost 30 years it would be my apartment from which I just traveled here, but today of course it belongs to someone else who was obviously not at home. And had pretty bad taste in interior design too.

The bright pink wallpaper was an insult to my eyes! The furniture was late out of date even for the 60's and the lights were still on. I decided to turn off the light and then concentrate. I still had to go to Diagon Alley.... So I closed my eyes and apparated to the place I had chosen for my last trip.

Welcome to Diagon Alley!

I stumbled straight into a magazine rack, the clerk kindly caught me. "Oh, sorry, my mind was somewhere else..." I lied and gave him a friendly smile. "You aren't from 'round here, lassie, are yeh?" he replied with a thick Scottish accent which I hardly understood. I just shook my head. No, I really wasn't from around here... and apparently neither was he.

I made my way through the wide, crowded alley and looked around. The hustle and bustle was terrific! So many witches, so many wizards... all strutting about, rushing from store to store to do their shopping. I liked the crooked buildings straight away and felt at home immediately. Too bad I wouldn't be here for very long. I really liked this place, this time...

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