Yes, I do

164 4 0

1975, May 21

Lucius paced nervously around the room. Merlin, that bandana scratched! Once again he looked in the mirror. Yes, the suit looked good and the hair was perfect. The patent leather shoes shone and the crease in the pants was perfect. So you could be seen. That's how you could get married. Even if you really didn't want to.

The meetings with Narcissa became more frequent, on Sundays he and his father would always have tea at the Blacks', on Wednesdays Narcissa would always have dinner with her parents at the Malfoys'. The parents insisted that the two should spend alone time together and so they did. They talked about Quidditch, the garden, Hogwarts, even the weather. But never about marriage. Both tried to avoid the subject as much as possible, although they knew that sooner or later it would end up standing in front of the altar.

One day the time had come, his father gave him an appointment and pressed his mother's ring into his hand. He would have to propose to the girl himself. When the time came, he didn't know what to do other than just give her the ring, put it in her hand and didn't say anything about it. To Narcissa, however, it seemed like the most romantic gesture she could have imagined. She hugged him and kissed him on the mouth. ugh The next day the engagement was announced in the Daily Prophet and what was in the newspaper was true, untouchable and unchangeable. He would actually marry her. Crap.

Today, 2 years later, the day had come. Narcissa had finished school and was finally ready to get married. The table was festively set, the garden decorated, the guests were already seated and things were about to start. "Are you ready?" Severus stood in the doorway and looked at him. Lucius shrugged. "Must have." His answer didn't surprise Severus. He had often told him that he liked Narcissa, but not that much... The relationship was quite one-sided and Narcissa's behavior seemed rehearsed for the most part. Severus couldn't say anything against the youngest Black sister. "Could have been worse. The older sister is crazy, I hear." Severus tried to cheer him up. "Don't say that too loud, Bellatrix hears everything..." Lucius murmured in passing. The two men went down the stairs and out through the conservatory.

"Nervous?" Severus looked at Lucius. He seemed paler than usual. "Are you sick or something?" he asked. "Shut up man!" Lucius hissed back. Yes, he was sick. And it got worse as the music played. And even worse when Narcissa, on her father's arm, strode down the aisle and walked toward him. Her dress was gorgeous, but even that couldn't stop Lucius from thinking that he was about to marry a woman he didn't love. And probably never would love.

After the wedding ceremony, a more than hesitant kiss and thunderous applause from the guests, Mister and Misses Malfoy walked down the hall to the main house. Lucius looked into his father's eyes, not seeming as disappointed as any other day of his life. Lucius endured the day and the evening. The dance, the cake, strange rituals and customs. All was not as bad as what was to come. The wedding night.

"Will you turn off the light? Please?" Narcissa sat on the far edge of the bed, covered up to her neck. Lucius raised an eyebrow. "Fear?", he couldn't help it, he had to tease her. "What, me? No. Never. Yes. Maybe a little..." She blushed and lowered her gaze. Lucius didn't even know Narcissa like that. Usually she always had something to say and had to push herself to the fore, but apparently she was just as scared of the wedding night as he was. But Narcissa was scared for a very different reason than he was.

Narcissa wasn't Lucius' first girl. He'd had sex before. Ever since he was 14! His father almost forced him to do it. He should look for a girlfriend for hours together, he shouldn't fail completely on his wedding night. Lucius had been with some girls and had enjoyed it too, but today wasn't about fun. He had to do a good job right away and father a son. And he had no idea if he could pull it off.

Lucius was, of course, Narcissa's first husband. She hadn't even kissed another boy before him. Once she kissed a girl in the dorm at Hogwarts when she was 14. She had been too curious. She loved it. The other girls shared their experiences and told her about them. That it hurt when the boy shoved his thing in her thing. That it would bleed Yes even had to bleed! Oh, woe if it didn't bleed... Lucius would think she'd given her virginity to someone else!

"Are you actually listening to me?" Lucius was now sitting next to his wife and looking at her. Narcissa hadn't listened to him of course, her mind on the amount of blood that would be appropriate here. "I... no... sorry... what?" she stammered to herself. "I asked you if you wouldn't rather wait? We could say we did it. No one would know. And Severus is brewing us a potion. So that we can make sure we have a boy." Narcissa's eyes widened. Lucius must have been afraid that she would fail! Yes, it had to be. She only had 2 sisters, no brothers, it was in her genes to have daughters. That he wanted her at all was nothing short of a miracle. Her father must have given Abraxas some lands for it. "Don't you want to... take... what's yours?" she whispered. "I want it to be a boy. It doesn't matter when." Lucius seemed a bit irritated. Her sister had told her that men liked it when you touched their things. No, she wouldn't do that now. Or would she?

"Are you crazy? What's going on!?" Lucius snapped at her. Narcissa pulled her hand from his crotch. "I... I... excuse me!" Lucius couldn't believe it, she had actually just grabbed his privates. "You're crazy. Sleep now." He turned sideways and stared at the wall. Narcissa rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. After a while, Lucius rolled his eyes and turned to her. "I don't mean you any harm, believe me. It's just as good for you as it is for me if we wait. We'll never be a normal and happy couple. Love doesn't exist. But we can manage to do our job properly. Don't you want that? Don't you want a son too?" "I thought you liked that..."

He snorted. "No. I don't like it. So, wouldn't you rather wait?" Narcissa thought for a moment. Apparently this was the best solution for her and little did she know that it would be years. "Yes, I do."

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