1. A drastic change

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A drastic change is nothing I am fond of. Even more, that someone else chooses for me. Having no control of my own life wasn't something I am used to, but there it is. Right now, I sit in a class, in a different country, in a different time zone, among people I don't know or understand. All this because I had to finish school first, afterwards, I can go my own way. Like I didn't have any more problems, another one came up. I was assigned to join the sprinters at the school.

Only a handful of people were doing this sport, while a lot more just watched. Two boys and girls were on the field, warming up for their run. While I, not giving a damn, just stood there and didn't move an inch. One of the girls, with short brown hair, came over with a smile, "Hi there. You must be N/A. Welcome to Japan, I am Makimura Miki. If you need any help, just ask me." With interest, I looked at here, while my eyes went up and down. One question was already on my mind...do I have to wear the same outfit like her? Looking at the other woman, thankfully I don't. Slowly, with tiny steps, one of the boys came towards me. With his eyes fixed to the ground, he bowed slightly, "I am Fudo Akira...it is...nice...to meet you." His sudden burst in tears startled me. Worried, I looked at her, "What did I do?" Miki waved her hand nervously, "Don't worry, Akira cries a lot. You didn't do anything wrong." Wiping his tears away, he tried to speak but only a few words escaped his lips, "You...pretty...thank you...help...like...you..." I couldn't take it, hugging him out of reflex, "I like you too." To be honest, the crying really put me off, so I find it the best to show him that everything is just fine.

While Akira calmed himself down, Miki introduced me to the others of the team. Unlike the man, the woman seems to be shy, not really saying much. Her name is Kuroda Miko. Afterwards, it was back to business. My first time doing this sport was horrible to say the least. My chest hurts, I could hardly breath and above all...I was slower than Akira. That was humiliating! It only got worse, as he began to cry again, blaming himself for my own mistake. As a beginner, I couldn't have taken it slow...but no...I had to go on full blast. Another hug could sort out this sobbing boy, till I needed to have some time alone. All this was too much for me for one day.

When you think it doesn't get worse than that...guess again.

My parents are abroad and won't be back for a long time. So where do I go? Her old friend from America lives in Tokyo, together with his family. They invited me to stay for a whole. Doesn't sound bad? The minute the door to their home opened, the crybaby stood before me, "You came?" it took a minute to realize who that was...till it hit me. Oh no, the walking waterfall.

I shrugged, looking bored, "Obviously."

This time, his hug startled me, "I am glad that you stay with us."

I didn't have a choice, I thought. Pushing me lightly into the house, I looked around while following Akira up to his room. Not impressed, I faced him, "And where do I sleep?" The boy went over to his bed and pulled out from underneath a guest bed. I raised a brow, "I sleep here...with you...this close?"

"Don't you like it?" tears came to his face again.

"No, no, no, it is just...a girl and a boy...in one room."

Suddenly, a voice from behind made me jump, "Sorry if you don't like the arrangements, Miki needs her room to study, Taro won't share his room and Akira...well...really wanted you as a roommate. Oh dear me, where are my manners? I am Noel, I know your parents for a long time. You and Akira are staying with us, till your parents come back from abroad. If there are any problems, please don't hesitate to ask." So I guess it will be longer than a few weeks. Great, another decision was made by my parents. For once I thought I had a choice to stay for a while and now this. Life sucks! Miki apologized for this situation at the dining table soon after, saying that Akira really asked for me as a roommate, "He couldn't stop crying until he got what he wanted." Annoyed by this, I stabbed my food rather harsh, "Is that his technique? Cry and gain sympathy?"

She shook her head, "He had always been that way, even when he protected me from bullies. Akira is just very sensitive about others. He wanted you to feel welcome and feel right at home." During dinner, I was introduced to Noel's wife, Akiko and their son Taro. He was obsessed with the anime Devilman and wanted to show me his room afterwards. I giggled at this, "I thought you didn't want anyone in your room."

"Not to sleep in my room, it only belongs to me and Devilman."


Later that night, I lied in my new bed. Akira was on his back, staring out the window, "N/A?"

What does he want now?


"Do you miss your parents?"

I didn't think of that for a while, "I guess."

"You don't have to", I heard him move, as his head came into sight, "I will stay at your side. I promise. You can always count on me." Smiling wide, I couldn't help but feel happy about it. I raised my hand towards him, hooking his pinky with mine, "It is a promise. We rely on each other, no matter what." Out of the blue, tears came to my eyes. Akira panicked, "Sorry, did I push you too much?" "No, you did the best thing that anyone could ever do. You are there." It took a while to convince him, that my tears meant happiness.

The next day was as the following one, only with pain going through my body. A sprint was no option for today. I got a little homesick, leaving Miki at the school. I needed some time on my own. She said something of a boat and wanted to clear her head or something. Akira was no were to be seen either, so I guess he followed her. Since last night was not enough time, Taro demanded that I see his room the next night. I had to whistle with amazement at his collection of merchandise, "Wow, I heard that you are a fan of it, but this much? Impressive!"

"He is so cool; I watched all the Episodes and Manga a thousand times!"

"No kidding" I laughed. His eyes sparkled with passion, explaining to me all about it. His way of speaking fascinated me completely. Meanwhile, Miki assumed that I was already asleep. Well, half way I was, since this boy had quite the stamina to keep on talking for hours without a break. When Taro was ending his speech, I have fallen face first into the pillow, falling asleep in seconds. I didn't even notice that Akira hasn't come home last night and Miki didn't want to bother me with the things she witnesses. She can always tell me about it the next day. Her only wish was that Akira comes home safe and sound.

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