6. Suspicion

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Akira had trouble to control his desires. His demon form took over, scratching the walls and destroying all the furniture. In twenty minutes, his tantrum was over; he turned back to his human shape. Sweating hard, he took a quick shower and got into new clothes; Ryo had bought for him, out of the cupboard. He feels awful, considering that I was all alone with Ryo the whole time. Heading back downstairs, Akira thought of a good excuse he could tell me. But it never came.

All he saw was an empty living room.

He checked all the rooms, only to find them all unoccupied. Akira grew worried, "Where are they?" Ryo's laptop didn't have any hints of where he wanted to go. His only clue was the scent I left behind. Going back to his motorcycle, he inhaled the inside of my helmet. Akira used his demon powers and flew high up to the sky, sniffing the air, "She got to be somewhere." There...he found it.

In inhuman speed, he flew towards the destination.

By that time, I only had half an hour left to get back home. The journey to the party felt like an eternity, considering that he didn't say anything the whole time. Just as we were out the car, he suddenly spoke up, "Here we are."

"This is a party? It is an old building."

"It only looks like one; it is not what it seems. I show you around." Without permission, he pulled me along, all the way to a massive door, "Beyond this door, there will be all sorts of sins and desires, everything you ever dreamed of." I don't think so, I thought, but refused to argue with him. His eyes were determined, but on what...I don't know. "Let's sin together N/A", with that said, he opened the doors.

It was nothing I expected from a party.

Drugs, sex and rock and roll came to my mind, at the same time it screamed to me, to get out of here. Ryo's grip tightened on my wrist, pulling me even further into the giant room. All around me, people were kissing all sorts of people; others took drugs or drank weird mixtures of cocktails. Ryo laughed out like a madman, raising his hands towards the huge light above us, that looks like a huge figure of a god, "In such places, nothing is holy, here is where the deepest desires come alive...such as yours." I shuddered at his words; he gets creepier by the minute.

At the same time, Akira was still tracking us down, the scent was getting weaker.

Frustrated by this, he took a break on the roof of a church, "Damn it, where are you Ryo?" From the distance, he could see some creatures, flying towards something. Taking a closer look, he realized what they are. Demons, in all sizes and shapes, were off to a place not too far off. Akira took the opportunity to fly after them, hearing the demons talk about some party they will invade. Akira's blood froze, hoping that this is not the place we were. Too be sure about it, he followed the demons.

At the party, Ryo enjoyed the atmosphere to the fullest.

While I wanted to get out as soon as possible, I didn't feel too well. The music was getting too loud for me and the people were getting crazier by the second, almost like the blond guy. He noticed how I backed off towards the exit. Putting something in his mouth, I didn't see him coming towards me. His hands grabbed my face, holding it in place, while his lips collide with mine. His other arm went around my back pushing me against him. Whatever he had in his mouth was going down my throat. Disgusted, our lips parted and I kicked him off, "What the hell what that for?!"

"You need to loosen yourself a little. This is the best way to invite the demons inside you."

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Just wait for it, they will be there shortly!" he screamed out with excitement. He wasn't creepy anymore, he was a psycho. I couldn't care less, I was miles away from home, all I wanted I to leave this party at once. But then, the dance floor began to spin, "What is happening to me?" Behind my back, I heard people scream. Turning around, my sight was a little blurry, but it was clear who it was. Ryo's coat was obvious to see, but the red color all around him, I don't remember that. Was the dance floor red? I didn't get an answer, but something else instead. My mind couldn't focus what just happened, as something had hit me across the face. My body had trouble to get up quick, while I saw everyone ran around in panic. But what are they are afraid of? Ryo, covered in blood, held up a camera, filming the scenario, "We are about to witness another scene, where a demon will devour a human being. This happened before, with Akira Fudo. My next target is his love interest; N/A. Let's see who will take her over, shall we?" Countless of demons destroyed the windows of the old building, while a few humans turned to demons themselves. This whole situation was just a blur to me; I couldn't hear much or see all too much, all I done was crawling towards the exit. Unaware that someone stepped over my hands, making me stop moving.

Akira's mouth was wide open, petrified of what he sees.

It was just like the time he was attacked by Amon. With worry, he scanned the place for me and Ryo, but at the same time, he couldn't watch the massacre the demons just caused. Akira came down from the window and attacked the demons, to save a few humans at least.

Ryo grabbed my foot from behind, pulling me underneath the huge lightning figure, "Here she is, she is all yours!!!" The blonde was eager to get this on camera, but didn't see the demons that flew towards him. With the shotgun under his coat, he couldn't stop them all at once, getting pushed back towards the wall. One of the creatures destroyed the camera with its foot, looking down at me. The demon's mouth was only inches away from my face, while I kept staring at it. My eyes could hardly see anything, only a few silhouettes of something. If I could see how it was opening its mouth and reveals its razor sharp teeth, I would have screamed.

But right now...was was just tired...very tired.

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