Chapter Ten

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Next Day

Friday, May 1988


It was the day of the big championship game the Raiders versus the Pirates. Walking into school that morning hand in hand with Ryker, I felt at peace. But on edge at the same time because of what happened early in the morning and Matt staring us down. I looked over at Ryker, who ignored all the stares as he walked me over to my locker.

"Don't forget you can use the cheat sheet you have for the test" I told him as we approached my locker, he nodded not saying anything, "are you going to be, okay?" I asked him concerned

He sighed "No" he said bluntly "but I'm going to pass that exam and cheer on my girlfriend today if it's the last thing I do" he said with a small smile.

I smiled back at him and gave him a kiss "I will always be here for you, you know that right" I said to him, he nodded smiling " I know" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

The warning bell then rang "good luck on your test" I said "I'll be waiting for you outside after" I told him with a smile and gave him a kiss. We stayed in the kiss what seemed like forever until Stephanie and Vinny pulled me out of it

"Okay I love you guys, but we need to get to our first period" she said and began dragging me down the hall, I laughed and waved to Ryker who waved back at me and then we all went our separate ways to finish our last week of school.


Matt's POV

"Well look what the cat dragged in" Jeremiah said pointing over to the door

I looked over and saw the love of my life with that low-self freak walk in. I couldn't tell you what I hated more than seeing them together. What did he have that I didn't. I was disgusted as they walked by us, she didn't even glance my way!

"You got to do something about that Matt" Jeremiah said "or else everyone is going to think they can date anyone"

"Oh, I have a plan" I said with a smirk

"What's the plan?" He asked, "we going to beat his ass up for good?" He said excitedly, I looked over at him

"No, it'll be more than that." I told him, as I looked back at them "much more."

The bell than rang and we all went to our classes. I will get Camila back even if it's the last thing I do.

Camila's POV

After the last bell rang, I quickly left my room to go over to Ryker's history class, to hopefully congratulate him on passing. As the students walked out some looking somber and others looking happy, I was looking for Ryker when I finally saw his curly long hair talking to Mr. Daniels.

I waited patiently as they talked and once, they finished Ryker walked back to his desk and looked somber. But maybe I was just seeing things given what happened in the early hours of today.

"Hey babe!" I said happily as he walked out of the door "sooo how was it...?" I asked slowly

Ryker looked up at me his brown eyes sad "well it could've been better" he said lowly, Oh god he didn't pass "but I passed with a C-!" He said happily showing me the paper

"Oh my god Ryker!" I squealed "you're going to graduate!"

He laughed as I hugged him tightly him returning my hug "now we can live our lives the way we want" Ryker told me as he pulled back from the hug, I smiled "I wouldn't have it any other way"

As we left the classroom to go find Stephanie and Vinny, we passed Matt and his jock friends, and I couldn't help but get nervous as they stared at us. I had a feeling something was going to happen tonight, but I couldn't pinpoint what.

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