Chapter Twelve

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The same day, May 1988


Third Person POV

Arriving back at the hospital, Ryker and Vinny went into the elevators to go to Camila's room. Vinny looked over at Ryker and saw how his friend looked tired and drained and knew something was bothering him. But he knew Ryker would come to him once he was ready and tell him.

They heard talking while walking out of the elevator and down the corridor to Camila's room. Going into the room, Ryker saw Matt's parents.

"What the fuck are they doing here?" Ryker asked angrily

"Ryker, they are just here to visit Cami," Andres told him trying to calm him down

"Well they shouldn't be," he said "do they know it was their beloved son who ended up shooting Camila" he seethed

"Ryker" Matt's father said "we do not mean any harm in coming here, we know Matthew did wrong and what he did to Camila was not the way to go about it"

"We apologize on our behalf for how our son acted," Mrs. William's said "Like Mark said we do not mean any harm in coming here, we just wanted to pay our respects for what has happened," she said as she looked at both Andres and Ryker

Ryker just scoffed but didn't say anything. Andres on the other hand felt himself build with rage as he heard both of Matthew's parents speak. He was trying to keep calm for everyone's sake but knowing that his parents were here was enough for Andres to snap.

"Pay your respects!" he said angrily as he got up from his chair "my daughter, my fucking daughter is in the hospital because of your son, she is in a coma and she might not wake up because of your son, and all you can say is you're sorry!" he said to Mark and Claudia

Ryker and Vinny looked at Andres in shock, they didn't think he could be scary let alone snap at one of his colleagues.

"Now get the hell out of her room and never come back!" he seethed

Ryker and Vinny smirked as Matthew's parents walked past them, Claudia looked over at the both of them and glared at them. But all they did was wave them goodbye happily.

"I'm sorry you had to see that boys," Andres said

Ryker and Vinny both looked at him "oh don't worry Mr. Rodriguez, I think it was bad the way you told them off" Vinny said "you showed them"

"Yeah Andres, you said the right thing and I am sorry for lashing out," He said

"Son" Andrés said walking up to him and putting a hand on his shoulder "you have nothing to be sorry about, you had every right to react the way you did," he said smiling at Ryker "I'm glad my daughter has you in her life"

Ryker looked at him in surprise, he didn't expect that reaction from her father. Yeah, he was okay with the relationship, but he didn't expect him to tell him that he was happy that he was in his daughter's life.

"That means a lot to me Andres" Ryker smiled

"You kn-"Andres was cut off when he heard a voice, he thought he'd never hear again

"Papi" Camila whispered

Ryker and Andres quickly rushed to Camila's bedside "oh my god" Andres said crying "Vinny get the doctor!" He said

Vinny quickly ran out of the room "we need a doctor!!" He shouted

Camila's doctor looked up and rushed over to her room to see her awake, it came as a complete shock to the doctor she didn't expect Camila to wake up from her coma. But nonetheless is happy she did.

"Camila, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked her gently

"Um I feel a little pain, but I also feel dizzy," Camila said as she held on to both Ryker and her dad's hand

The doctor smiled "I'll give you some medicine for that" she said, "do you remember anything?" She asked her

"I uh remember the championship game and a shooting," Camila said "but that's it, everything is dark after that"

"Camila," the doctor said gently "you got shot twice in the abdomen"

Camila looked at the doctor confused but then realization hit her as the night came flooding back to her, remembering when she saw Matt with the gun and Vinny tackling Matt. She began to feel herself panic; this was why she woke up in the hospital.

"He's not here is he," she asked panicking looking at Ryker

"No no, he got arrested and he is never coming near you again," Ryker told her firmly "I'll make sure of it"

Camila nodded feeling herself calm down, the doctor looked over at everyone "well I'll put in an order for you to get your pain medicine, and I'll check back later" she said smiling and leaving the room

Andres looked at his daughter "boys can you give us a minute" he told Ryker and Vinny, they molded and walked out of the room. Turning back to his daughter he smiled " I thought I'd lost you," he told Camila and kissed her on the head.

Camila smiled a small smile at her dad "you couldn't get rid of me if you tried" she said to him "I saw Mami" she whispered to him

Andres looked at her in confusion "how?" He asked her

"When I was in my coma, she came to visit me" she breathed "it was all serene she's safe Papi, she's in a good place she's okay" she paused "she was there to tell me that you guys needed me and that it wasn't my time yet"

"Your mother was always very persistent in always wanting what is best for everyone," he said smiling a small smile "I'm just happy she gave me you and I vow to never leave you again"

Camila smiled at her father, happy and content. "Let me get the boys, I'm sure you're dying to talk to them," Andres said to her, Camila nodded smiling she couldn't wait to see Ryker and tell him how much she loved him.

As Ryker and Vinny came into the room, Camila smiled brightly "hi" she said to her boyfriend. Ryker walked up to the bed and grabbed her hand "I thought I lost you" he whispered to her

"But you didn't, I'm here and I am safe," she told him "I will never leave you; I love you too much"

As much as Ryker wanted to believe that he knew he was the reason she was in the hospital. "This is my fault," he told her forgetting Vinny was in the room "if you didn't date a freak li-"

"This is not your fault Ryker and you are not a freak" Camila cut him off "Matt was jealous of us and he was always like this we just didn't see it until this happened," she said pausing " and don't you ever call yourself a freak again because you are not, you are the most amazing guy I have ever met and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, same goes to you Vinny Stephanie is lucky to have you"

Vinny looked up at the mention of his name and smiled "thanks Cami, that means a lot" he said "I'm happy you're okay, Ryker was going crazy without you"

Camila chuckled as Ryker through Vinny a look as if to say to not mention his breakdown from earlier "well I am happy you guys are here and I'm happy to be alive" she said smiling at them

Andres smiled at his daughter and her friends happy that she wasn't like everyone else and happier that she was alive. He wouldn't know what he would've done if she hadn't made it, but one thing for sure is that he will do everything in his power to make sure Matt never sees the light of day again.

Hi, lovelies! I know this chapter is short, but I promise the next one will be longer. This was just a filler chapter to show what happened after the shooting and after her dream. But I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far!

With that said, Please comment and vote! 

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