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                           20th 𝙈𝙖𝙮 2022                                  6:58pm

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20th 𝙈𝙖𝙮 2022

2485 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨

"DYLAN YOU MARSHMALLOW!! GIVE ME A HUG!" Emma screamed as she watched Dylan climb out of the car. She ran up and jumped onto him, Dylan stumbling back in the process.

"Jesus, Emma your stronger than me." Dylan's voice was muffled by Emma's hair in his face. She pulled away and pinched his cheeks. "Oh my god, you are still so cute!" She cooed and pulled away when Dylan whined.

"You treat me as if i'm some baby." Dylan huffed and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, well you secretly enjoy the attention." Dylan stayed silent because he knew that Emma is right. She always is.

"DJ Dylan! My man." Jacob's loud voice boomed through Dylan's ears, he couldn't help but wince. It had been awhile since he had spoken to Jacob in person. Dylan forgot about how loud he is.

"Dylann~" Nick creeped up from behind and slammed his hands down onto his shoulders. Dylan gasped and smiled when he saw Nick wearing his charming grin.

"Nickk~" Dylan raised his hand in the air which Nick gladly slammed his own hand down onto Dylan's. "Whats that?" Jacob asked looking at Dylan's mini Pikachu bag.

"What- You don't know who Pikachu is?" Dylan asked in disbelief, i think it's obvious of who the most clueless person is out of the group.

"No, the thing that's peeking out." Dylan furrowed his eyebrows but soon realised what he was on about. Dylan took the bag off his back and zipped it open.

"This is RyRy junior." Dylan smiled and pulled his teddy out, "Ah, so this is the infamous teddy bear everyone is always talking about." Nick smirked and gently stroked the teddy's head.

"And what i mean by everyone, i mean Kaitlyn." Nick added on, Jacob snickered and folded his arms. "Someone say my name?" Kaitlyn walked over. "Kaitlyn." Dylan grinned and went to hug Kaitlyn but she moved away.

"Relax buddy, i saw you the other day." Kaitlyn waved him off and hugged Jacob. "So you'll hug Jacob but not me.? Why are you so willing to contract about 10 or more diseases." Dylan complained watching Jacob's face twitch in confusion.

"Hey! Whats wrong with hugging me. I'm actually super cuddly for your information dude." Jacob challenged. "Well, i'm cuter so suck on that one." Dylan stuck his tongue out at Jacob who just huffed and looked away, gazing at Emma.

Kaitlyn pulled away from Nick when she heard a car door slam shut. Laura, Max and Ryan all jumped out and smiled at the sight of their friends all huddled around each other.

Ryan looked even better in person, Dylan felt excited yet nervous. Dylan doesn't know why he feels like this, he's met Ryan before and he's had actual conversations with him. Why was this time different?

𝙏𝙃𝘼𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙊𝙆 𝙄𝙉 𝙔𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙀𝙔𝙀 -𝗿𝘆𝗹𝗮𝗻-Where stories live. Discover now