First date with them

836 7 4

Something more stable for tonight

- You all will go to a space museum, yes I know it sounds lame but hear me out.
- Finney would show you different stuff and facts about the planets or moons, and will point and name all of the moons each planet has
- After that you guys head home to watch movies, Gwen would probably join in and steal way from Finney leave him chasing Gwen around.

- you guys would go to the drive in to watch horror movies or just action movies.
- He would get a blankets for the both of you just in case it's cold, he would also have snacks for the both of you.
- After that you guys will go to his house abd play games(?) for at least for a few hours untill you had to go home.

- You guys would go out to eat in a fast food restaurant.
- He would pay since he loves to spoil you all lot, after that you guys will go and bike ride around the town.
- And after that you will go over to his house and eat over there also his family loves your company when your are around.

- An arcade you guys will be there for hours until they close.
- after that vance would probably take you to his house to hand out for a while.
- you guys would listen to metal music and his sister would have to come inside of his room telling him to lower the music down.
- they will get into a agreement and if his sister sees you she will take you away from vance and make you play with her this leads him fight over you with his sister.

- You guys had a sleepover,and watched movies all night
- He's a very cuddly person so once he has his arms around you, he not going to let you go but he will if you need to use the restroom.
- If you want to watch a horror movie he will say sure but then he'll get scared.

-You guys hanged out in the library for a bit and then after that you guys played in the park.
- well more like you playing in the park and him just sitting down looking at you play.
- you guys go home pretty late so you walk him to his house and kiss him on the cheek.
( He like 5'10 like I am not lying 🧍🧍🧍)

A/n ok soo um I am still pretty hyped that I have 800 reads already I like giggling and kicking my feet rn
I hoped you all liked this on soo yeeeee
Bye 🧍🧍🧍🏃🏃🏃💀💀💀

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