(Y!)Billy x reader pt2

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Requested by zeezkiv

Your head was hurting and you can feel your heartbeats in your head as well when you tired picking up your head the room just spung around as you opened your eyes to see where you where

You opened them and tried moving you arms but they were tied up to the bedframe. As you were panicking your eyes were looking around the room you were in to see your were in you boyfriend or more like ex boyfriend room.
You turned your head around trying to keep your self calm and trying to collect your thoughts on what happened that yesterday night.

You felt something snuggling in your neck and arms gripping you closer to them.you turning your head to see Billy sleeping and snuggle closer to you for warmth. You kept your self calm and you tried to untangle the ropes that were on your wrist. After a few minutes went by Billy was awake and got up to rub his eyes.

" Nghh~ y/n are you awake already-??". Billy said turning his whole body to face you and waited for your response.

"Billy what the hell am I tied up!! Why am I here I wasn't here yesterday-.!!!" You said to him in a angry tone but not yelling at him cause he will just end up crying and not telling you why your here.

"You were leaving me I didn't want you to leave!!.... I didn't want to be alone i-i.... I am nothing with out you...." Billy said looking down as he felt guilty at what he did.

"I-i just didn't want you to leave me..... I don't like being alone-" billy said crying about the thought of you leaving him all bye himself.

You sighed looking to the side of the room as you heard Billy's crying getting louder. You looked at him for a sec letting yourself think for a few more minutes.

" Billy I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to hurt your feelings j-just untie me and I'll forgive you maybe I let you get back with me." You said mumbling the last part under you breath but not to lower just hearable for Billy to listen to.

Billy sniffing stops and he looked at you with his eyes all red and jumped on you thanking you over and over again for considering giving him a second chance. He untied your arms and layed on top of you still thanking you.

You warped you arms around him smelling he while doing that and closing your eyes for a proper nap soon enough you and Billy fell asleep together peacefully.

A/n lamo I wasn't planning to do a part 2 but here it is I kinda half fast it since I lost interest in writing this page. Also update on my gym coach they let the girls close there doors now and I guess they told him something and he stayed away from the girls bathroom. Still pissed off on them not firing his creepy old ass.

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