(Y)Billy x reader

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You and Billy have been dating for a while and you loved him with all you heart but sometimes he can get a little to obsessive about you. Sometimes when your alone you feel like someone is always watching you from a far but you always brushed it off as you being paranoid.

You will even tell billy about it sometimes and he will just nod a agree with you when you told him not really caring about what you said.

When you will always want to hang out with your friends billy will insist of him coming with you when you always say no he gives you those eyes and eventually you say yes on him coming with you.

When he's not with you and your hanging out with your friends he will always be waiting for you when you got home saying where have you been or why didn't tell him we're you were going. You eventually told him that why can't you have your alone time and why is he always like this when you want to hang out with your friends and leave billy there in the living room shocked at what you said to him.

Billy will be on the verge of tears following you and pleading you to not be made at him you turned around to see your boyfriend crying and clingy around you waist wanting your forgiveness. You forgave him and ended up on him on top of you holding you like you left him for years bye himself.

°°° few weeks later°°°

When you were with your friends you were telling that you might break up with Billy because he will never leave you alone and let you hang out with them bye yourself.

Your friends thought you were kinda overreacting about it but kinda understood about what you were talking about.

" I do love really but he never leaves me alone or won't let he hang out with you guys without him coming along." You said walk with your friends

" Aww come on y/n I think your kinda overreacting about it he a sweet guy who just wants you attention all the time." Y/f/n said drinking there slushy jabbing there arm to your side.

" I know it sounds like I am overreacting but really would you feel annoyed by someone who won't let you be by yourself and always being around you all the and not giving you privacy?!?" You said walking towards you friends house and opening the door for them

" I mean y/n is right you should have the right to be by yourself from time to time." Your second f/n said walking in the house and closing the door behind them.

" Yeah yeah let's just stop talking about this I really don't want to go to much in detail I mean I told him that I always feel watched and I don't think he listens to him I think he just nods his head agree with me all the time when I bring it up!!" You said on the verge of screaming but containing yourself as you say on your friends couch.

"Just relax dude and let's watch some movies to take it of you mind for awhile ok??" You third friend said turning on the TV and sitting next to you and so did you other friends do the same.

After a few hours of giggling, talking and watching movies it was time for you and your 2 other friends to go home you guys said your goodbyes to your third friend and walked outside. It was dark and you walked you friends to there house ( these to friends are twins) hugging them good bye.

It was moist out side due to it raining early you inhale the smell of the wet rain as you went up to you house, your parent ( aka me I am your mother in this book now😎😎) was working late today to try and gain extra money for Halloween.

Once you opened the door the first thing you were meet with his billy hugging you and crying, you were confused so you walked him to the couch and asked him what's wrong and why is he crying.

" Oh my billy why are you crying is there something that happened to you today what is it Billy??"

" Is it true that your breaking up with me??" Billy said while sobbing into your chest more and more.you looked at him shocked that he heard you say that but once again he wasn't around you when you told you friends that.

" Billy ho- how did you know I said that you weren't with me when I was out with my friends and nobody was around us when I said that?!?!" You said trying to push him off of you but he kept hugging you like he wasn't going to see you again.

" So-so it is true you are leaving me aren't you who are you leaving with don't tell me you found someone else better than me?!?!" Billy said hugging you and pulling you closer to him while crying uncontrollable in you chest.

" NO ONE BILLY I JUST WANT TO LEAVE YOU YOUR FUCKING ANNOYING!!!" You said pushing him off of you and getting of the couch, he followed you trying to convince you not to break up with him.

" Y/n please don't leave me please I am nothing without out you please!!" He said crying louder and pleading you to stay with him, yet you didn't listen to him and told him off more and more.

" Billy I am leaving you crazy ass weather you like it or not get the hell out now!!" You said walking towards the door and opening it for him to get out.

" No I don't want to lose you please y/n please!!" He said crying harder and louder but still you didn't listen to him.

You pulled him outside basically kicking him out of your and your moms house, he was still crying when you kick him out.

When you turned you back around walking towards your house you heard his crying stop and heard fast for steps behind you, you looked back to see Billy pushing you to the ground and getting on top of you.

When he pushed you on the ground your back hurted knocking the air out of you lungs with Billy still on top of you crying. " I am sorry y/n but I can't lose you" billy said whispering and hitting you with a rock on your head cause you to knock out.

" There yo-your with me now your me now and nobody can't take that away from me." Billy said sniffing and wiping his tears away from his cheek. He got of your body picking you up and walk to his house.

Once he go there he went to his room tying your arms up to his bedpost and laying on top of you with his head in you neck while drifting to sleep.

Ong bro that was something lol I feel like Billy would be a yandere who will cry a lot but that doesn't stop him from being mean to you. Anyways I am your guys mom in the fanfic for now because it makes it easier for me to do lol I hoped you enjoy this one I had fun writing this a lot.

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