How tall are they

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Lmao I need ideas I am kinda brain dead so if you want to request something please go to the request page lol anyways enjoy this thing.

Finney- 5'4 ( I couldn't find his poster idk if it's cannon)
When you taller than him
- lol he doesn't mind but sometimes he will say jokes about you being tall from time to time.
- he will ask you to grab stuff if he can't reach it.
If you shorter than him
- like I said he doesn't mind you being short but does make fun of you for being short.
- I feel like he would sometimes watch you struggle from getting stuff that you can't reach.

Robin- 5'3( this is cannon it says on the poster)
When your taller than him
- he will kinda be upset that if you teased him for being short.
- he will not ask you for help when reaching for something he will just jump untill he gets the thing he needs.
If your shorter than him
- He doesn't really mind but will tease you for being short.
- He will just stand there watching you if you need help with reaching for something on the self.

Bruce-5'5 ( lmao cannon)
When your taller than him
- he doesn't mind that your taller than him but he loves it when you give him head pats
- if he can't reach something he will ask you to get it for him and will praise you a lot for it and I mean a lot.
If your shorter than him
- He finds it very adorable and will pat your head when he talks to you.
- if you can't reach something he will get it for you and will praise you for trying to get it.

Vance-5'7( yup it's cannon lmao)
When your taller than him
- he kinda mad that your taller than him but he won't say anything about it.
- he would not ask you for help and if you tease him for being short he will just walk away angry.
If your shorter than him
- he makes fun of you calling you short stack and many other nicknames.
- if you can't reach anything he will walk up to you and grab the thing you need and put it on a higher self but he'll get it for if you actually need it.

Billy-5'3( you know the drill)
- he doesn't mind but he would koala hug you around you chest and will climb you to kiss you.
- if he can't reach he would normal climb the self but if he wants you attention he will call you to get it for him.
If you shorter than him
- he doesn't mind but likes that he's taller than you and that he can kiss you easily on your head.
- he would get the stuff off the self for you is you need him to buy he will cheer you on if you try to reach it.

Griffin 5'10(this kid is tall I am telling you search up his missing poster and see how tall he is dude💀)
If your taller than him
- he doesn't mind that your taller but hates it when you tease him.
-he will ask you to grab books if there on a taller self.
If your shorter than him
- he doesn't really care about it and won't tease you about your height.
- if you need him to grab something hell get it for you and will give it to you.

A/n ok I made this like a few days ago but bruh I caught my old creep ass gym teacher looking at the girls bathroom and trying to see them change and some were taking a shower. Mind you that they don't let the girls close there door and we have no female coach and the two other coaches don't even look in the girls bathroom room and this creep ass gym teacher is looking at the girls change.

And I told my friends about it and me and her went to go report it and told the teacher turns out that there's  had multiple reports about him and they never fired him for that. I don't know if he's going to get fired or not but they will keep me updated about the situation I just hope they fire his creep ass not to mention he looking at minors and little kids change. So yeah that have been keeping me from updating but now I am hear and more stuff and writing will come soon so see ya

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