Donna catch-up

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Gotta add my girl Donna lol.

How you met
- It was science class and y'all were doing independent work.
- Donna was doing her work until the door opened and saw you at the door.
- Donna didn't know who you were and you caught her interest in talking to you.
- she was very social around people and very popular in school but she was to scared to talk to you.
- she promised herself that she would talk to you one day

How you became friends
- It was lunch time and Donna like she said promised herself that she will talk to you .
- well today was that day, she was thinking to walk up to your table and sit next to you and start a conversation with you.
- she went with that plan
- she walked up to your table and sat next to you.
- you were confused why the popular girl was sitting next to you but you didn't really mind it.
- she I introduced herself to you and made a conversation with you.
- you guys hit it off and became friends till that day Donna was very proud of herself that she managed to talk to you.

How she realized she liked you
- was very shocked
- she kept telling herself that you were her best friend.
- she kept thinking about you and her becoming a thing together and her face will turn red
- when you will be around her she will start to play with her fingers and her face will turn red too.
- she promised herself that she will tell you that she likes you and Donna never breaks promises.

How you noticed she liked you
- it was very obvious
- her face will turn all red around you and will start playing with your fingers.
- actually you didn't notice that she liked you but your mom did though.
- Mercedes ( your mom aka myself ig??) Told you about it but since you didn't want to freak Donna out about it you kept it to yourself.
- you just pretend that you didn't notice that she liked you.

How she asked you out
- she was very nervous
- she made sure that she was all pretty up to impress you more when she was going to ask you out
- she told you in little riddles like a scavenger hunt so when you put the pieces together it spelled out " will you got out with me? - from Donna ❤️"
- you said yes and she was very shocked
"Wait so you will go out with me??? I didn't know you liked me back!!"

" Donna I knew from the start that you liked me well more like my mom knew but yes Donna I will go out with you"

- she giggled and jumped up in down from joy

- she was doi g an assignment by herself untill the door opened in the class.
- the whole classes looked at you
- when she saw you she wanted you attention
- she wanted you to be with her and not the other students in the class.
- she wanted to be around you at all times and not let anyone close to you.
- once class was over she would follow you with out you seeing her.
- she wanted you to be hers and she promised that and Donna always keeps promise's.

Your guys first date
- you guys went to a Disney park.
- your mom ( Mercedes) took you both to Disneyland.
- you guys were very hyper about it you two spent the whole day riding on rides and eating snacks.
- both got each other macing toys and shirts.
- Donna and you had a blast at Disneyland
- once it was time to go you and Donna had a sleepover.
- you guys pulled a all nighter and fell asleep all day in the morning.
- Donna claimed that was the best date ever and she ment it.

How tall is she (she's 5'5 I try looking for her actually height but I can find it)

When your taller then her
- she doesn't really mind
- like Bruce she gives you compliments all the time
- when she needs you to grab something for her she will ask you to get it for her.
- she will literally praise you on doing it she loves giving you praise she knows you like them.
When she's taller then you
- she doesn't really mind
- but she does like it when she taller then you.
- will still compliment you on your height though.
- if you need her to grab you something she'll get it for you but she will praise you on trying to get it on your own.

A/n yay I finished it I am soo proud of this I was thinking Donna on here so I decided to put her in here.

All so I know suicide prevention month is over but it never to late to say this. If you need anyway to talk to I am always open to talk to. It's not weak to get some help for you mental health your health goes first and remember you are loved by people and/or your friends lots of love from me ❤️💕💕💕💕❤️❤️💕❤️❤️💕❤️

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