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computing the time that had once again turned into months; the foreigner wouldn't have ever thought that her one and only friend here would be looking so.. weak.

of course, the (h/c) haired girl knew of his so called "sickness", but she hasn't delved deeper into the problem. she didn't know the symptoms, how harsh it was to his body and basically the details of it.

maybe she should've paid more attention to the problem at hand. but even if she did, muzan would not tell her. and that frustrated the foreigner; why wouldn't he just spill the tea and maybe she could help?

illnesses in the past were cured in the far future. and since she was, or is from that future, surely she would know. she has a piece of technology after all, and google was with her.

the girl sighed, shifting her sitting position next to the unconscious ravenette. she raised a hand and combed a stray hair from his face with her fingers. cold, visible sweat formed around his forehead; and with those miniscule drops of liquid on his face, he looked truly vulnerable.

"this dumb bitch," y/n flicked his nose. "..oops." maybe she shouldn't have done that because now the pale boy was waking up..

muzan stirred awake, eyes squinting every so often to get used to the candle lighting up the dark room. what time was it? he wasn't exactly sure, but seeing the light of the moon peek through on his almost-closed window; he knew the answer.

the boy blearily looked around, and as if he was struck by lightning; he flinched when he saw the very familiar face of a foreigner look down on him in such close proximity.

they both stared at each other for a while, quite a long while actually, before the (h/c)nette felt awkward and lost to the staring contest.

"u-uh, i shouldn't have flicked your face.." she cautiously stood up, trying to make her actions not cause any noise of disturbance. "..go faint again, or smth.. i'm gonna go now.."

a step was about to be taken closer to the door, but a single warm hand that seemed desperate clutched onto the bottom of her yukata. the foreigner would've screeched if she could from the surprising action, but she knew waking up the others will only make her bring chaos to her friend's room even more.

muzan's usual cat-like eyes looked droopy; sleepy looking. those desperate eyes of his looked a lot like the milf's when he shows such an expression like that. it was kinda... "d-don't go.."

"wha-?" she awkwardly looked around. "i haven't mastered japanese yet, brb-"

"y.. y/n.." the hold on the bottom of her yukata only tightened from her words. oh, so he could understand her english even if he was that sick..


"stay.. stay with me.." he breathed out, face growing hot from both his illness and from his own boldness. dang, he didn't know he had this much confidence to tell a female(he likes) to stay in his room.

but the (h/c)nette only looked confusingly at him; head tilted to the side and all.

she does not understand.

but based on that simple action of his, aka his hand holding the bottom of her clothing, she understood his intentions. a little.

y/n sighed, "i.. i really gotta get back. haru mommy promised to drink boba with me tomorrow, and she said it would be around morning so i gotta wake up early! i'm the one making boba btw-"


"muzan, please let go." her brows knitted in the middle from frustration. where did he suddenly get this strength from? "..i have a big, fat date with your mom, and i don't want to pass up the opportunity. i will step on your feet if you don't-" the bedridden boy tugged her clothing. "h--HEY!"

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